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The primary objective of this module is to generate a JSON Web Token. You can find more information about JWT on the official website.


The new module version doesn't use OpenSSL anymore for the creation or validation of the JWT, instead it uses the internal library System.Security.Cryptography. OpenSSL can still be used to generate the private/public key pair to create RSA or ECDsa tokens. To install OpenSSL for PowerShell you can follow this link. Alternatively, OpenSSL is included in Git. If you have Git installed, you can open 'Git Bash' and run openssl there. To test whether OpenSSL is installed and available in your PowerShell terminal, please enter:

PS > openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018

The command should return the current version of OpenSSL.


You can easily install jwtPS from the PSGallery and import the module.

Install-Module -Name jwtPS
Import-Module -Name jwtPS

Once installed and imported, you have two commands at your disposal. With New-JWT you create a new JSON Web Token and ConvertFrom-JWT is a function which returns the human-readable content of the provided JWT. It returns the content of the header as well as the payload.

Create a JWT

To create a JWT you need three things:

  1. You need to have the path of your private key
  2. You need to provide the payload as a hashtable
  3. You need to select the algorithm. The algorithm in the new version is a bit cumbersome to set up. The algorithm consists out of two discriminating unions. encryption sets the encryption level of the algorithm and algorithm sets up the algorithm. Finally, both types make up cryptographyType. The classes written in F# look like that:
type encryption = SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512
type algorithm =
    | HMAC of encryption
    | RSA of encryption
    | ECDsa of encryption
    | PSS of encryption
type cryptographyType = 
    Algorithm: algorithm
    Encryption: encryption

To create this class in PowerShell you need to cast them like this:

$encryption = [jwtTypes+encryption]::SHA256
$algorithm = [jwtTypes+algorithm]::HMAC
$alg = [jwtTypes+cryptographyType]::new($algorithm, $encryption)

Finally, you can see below the code to create a JWT using RSA encryption with SHA384.

$key = "C:\Users\Path\To\Private\Key.pem"
# The content must be joined otherwise you would have a string array.
$keyContent = (Get-Content -Path $key) -join ""
$payload = @{
    aud = "jwtPS"        
    iss = "DigitalAXPP-$(Get-Random -Maximum 10000)"        
    sub = "RS384 Test"        
    nbf = "0"        
    exp = ([System.DateTimeOffset]::Now.AddHours(3)).ToUnixTimeSeconds()
    iat = ([System.DateTimeOffset]::Now).ToUnixTimeSeconds()
    jti = [guid]::NewGuid()
$encryption = [jwtTypes+encryption]::SHA384
$algorithm = [jwtTypes+algorithm]::RSA
$alg = [jwtTypes+cryptographyType]::new($algorithm, $encryption)
$jwt = New-JWT -Payload $payload -Algorithm $alg -FilePath $key
$jwt = New-JWT -Payload $payload -Algorithm $alg -Secret $keyContent

Attention, New-Jwt accepts the secret now either in PEM or PKCS#8 format.


You can use now the Header property to provide a hashtable with custom keys for your JWT header. The hashtable you provide is accepted as-is. The function searches for alg and typ. If the keys are included in your hashtable, the values will not be overriden. If they are missing, alg will be added with the value from your alg.Id and typ gets added with JWT.
Nevertheless, the content will be encrypted with the algorithm you set in -Algorithm!