Releases: DigitalPhonetics/VoicePAT
pre_eval_models_speechbrain and vpc_data_kaldi_format
Pretrained Evaluation Models
This release contains evaluation models pretrained on non-anonymized (original) LibriSpeech-train-clean-360. They consist of two models for ASV (one for xvector encoder, one for ECAPA-TDNN) and one ASR model.
To be in accordance with the provided config files, create a directory exp in the top directory of this repository and place the unzipped folders there. Alternatively, change the model paths in the config files to a different location. Then, we also need access to the ASR models from the asr subfolder. For this, either create a symlink between the subfolder and the exp directory:
ln -srf evaluation/utility/asr/exp exp
or create an exp directory manually in the asr subfolder and provide the symlink directly to the asr model:
mkdir evaluation/utility/asr/exp
ln -srf evaluation/utility/asr/exp/asr_pre exp/asr_pre
All newly created models within the framework should have the symlink added automatically.
In the end, the structure should look like follows:
└─ evaluation
└─ utility
└─ asr
└─ exp
└─ asr_pre
└─ exp
└─ asr_pre
└─ asv_pre_ecapa
└─ asv_pre_xvector