When @officialmcafee posts his coin of the day, buy it ASAP.
- Read @officialmcafee's tweets in real time.
- Determine whether the tweet is a coin of the day announcement.
- If so, determine what coin it is.
- If it's on bittrex, buy it.
That is left as an exercise for you.
Before you even try to install this, you need to have the following things installed:
brew install tesseract --with-all-languages
# Linux (Ubuntu)
apt-get install libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr
I don't know what to tell you Windows people. Perhaps consider running Ubuntu under VirtualBox.
git clone git@github.com:DimensionSoftware/mcafee-bot.git
cd mcafee-bot
You have to go to both twitter and bittrex to get your own API keys.
Once acquired, I recommend putting them in secrets.env
- Twitter: https://apps.twitter.com/
- Create an application.
- You can leave callback URL blank.
- After that's done go to Keys and Access Tokens and make some access tokens.
- Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Manage#sectionApi
- Read Info should be ON.
- Trade Limit should be ON.
- Trade Market doesn't matter.
- Withdraw should be OFF for your safety.
- Binance: https://www.binance.com/userCenter/createApi.html (Coming Soon)
- Read Info should be ON
- Enable Trading should be ON
- Enable Withdrawals should be OFF
source secrets.env # You have to get your own API keys from twitter and bittrex!
This will drop you into a node.js repl with an instantiated bot you can command interactively.
// The bot.
// How much BTC are you willing to spend per purchase?
bot.btcSpend = 0.25
// To get ahead of the pump,
// what multiplier do you want to add to the current price when putting in the buy order?
// bid == price + (price * bot.adjustment)
bot.adjustment = 0.20
// If you want to see it read tweets:
bot.verbose = true
// If you want it to shut up (which is the default):
bot.verbose = false
// Make the bot connect to twitter and monitor tweets. VERY IMPORTANT!
It is now waiting for @officialmcafee to tweet his coin of the day.
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/947845669213147136
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/945655402276024320
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/945293044252905472
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/944929837671690241
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/944555048880746497
- https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/944206175100424193