Chess SGG is a graphical game created using the Simple Graphics Game Library as a project for the AUEB 2021/2022 C++ course.
Run the EXE directly from the bin folder or re-build and compile the project again using Visual Studio (SGG Library required).
- v1.0 - Silverman 4x5 chessboard with limited pieces
- v1.1 - Transition to full-scale 8x8 chessboard with all the pieces, castling & two-step pawn move
- v1.2 - Game Review Screen & Ability to retire early
- v1.3 - Captured piece icons & Stalemate
- TO-DO: Simulation for check-mate checking, Multiplayer
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Credit for the assets go to their respective creators:
- Assets/Sound Effects: © 2022
- Main Menu Music: Local Forecast - Slower © 2013 Kevin MacLeod