The Pet Adoption Portal is a web application which is designed to facilitate the adoption of pets. It provides users with an interactive interface to explore various pet categories, view pet details, and initiate the adoption process seamlessly.
- Categories Lookup: Users can browse through different pet categories with visually appealing buttons.
- Dynamic Pet Listings: Fetches and displays pets from an API, allowing real-time updates and interactions.
- Pet Details Modal: Provides detailed information about each pet when the user clicks the "Details" button, including name, breed, gender, and price.
- Sorting Functionality: Users can sort pets by price in descending order for easier comparison.
- Loader Animation: Displays a loading animation while fetching data to enhance user experience.
for variable declarations.- Arrow functions for concise function syntax.
- Template literals for dynamic string creation.
loops for iterating over arrays.- Default parameters in function definitions.