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Marco Franke edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 1 revision

I can't connect to my Spoolman instance. I'm running HomeAssistant in a docker container

If you tried to use a local DNS name (i.e. http://my-pretty-instance/) the chances are high Home Assistant couldn't find this DNS name. To circumvent this, please try to connect via IP (i.e. If you want to access by local DNS name, you have to ensure the Docker Container knows your local DNS server and can get resolved ip addresses for that particular DNS host.

You can try the DNS resolving by connecting to your container interactivly and execute a simple ping on your desired host with DNS name and/or ip.

If that fails, you have to fix your docker container. This issue can have several causes. Unfortunately you have to use google and search for solutions that fits your docker/network settings.

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