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Merge pull request #8 from DistributedComponents/fcsl-pcm
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Port to fcsl-pcm
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palmskog authored Sep 21, 2018
2 parents 8584ec0 + def3f89 commit 620e995
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Showing 68 changed files with 975 additions and 8,058 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -83,3 +83,4 @@ extraction/**/*.ml
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions
100644 → 100755
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@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -ev

opam init --yes --no-setup
eval $(opam config env)

opam repo add coq-released
opam repo add coq-core-dev
opam repo add coq-extra-dev

opam pin add coq $COQ_VERSION --kind=version --yes
opam pin add coq-mathcomp-ssreflect $SSREFLECT_VERSION --kind=version --yes --verbose
opam update

opam pin add Heaps --yes --verbose
opam pin add Core --yes --verbose
make -j4 -C Examples
62 changes: 50 additions & 12 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,54 @@
language: c
- avsm
- ocaml
- opam
- aspcud
language: generic
sudo: false

- docker

- THIS_REPO=disel
script: bash -ex
sudo: false
- COQ_VERSION=coq8.7-32bit
- COQ_VERSION=coq8.8-32bit

# The "docker run" command will pull if needed.
# Running this first gives two tries in case of network lossage.
- timeout 5m docker pull palmskog/xenial-for-verdi-$COQ_VERSION || true

# Using travis_wait here seems to cause the job to terminate after 1 minute
# with no error (!).
# The git commands are tried twice, in case of temporary network failure.
# The fcntl line works around a bug where Travis truncates logs and fails.
- python -c "import fcntl; fcntl.fcntl(1, fcntl.F_SETFL, 0)"
- REMOTE_ORIGIN_URL=`git config --get remote.origin.url`
- >-
docker run palmskog/xenial-for-verdi-$COQ_VERSION /bin/bash -c "true &&
if [ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE = pull_request ] ; then
git clone --quiet --depth 9 $REMOTE_ORIGIN_URL $THIS_REPO || git clone --quiet --depth 9 $REMOTE_ORIGIN_URL $THIS_REPO
git fetch origin +refs/pull/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST/merge
git checkout -qf $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA
git clone --quiet --depth 9 -b $TRAVIS_BRANCH $REMOTE_ORIGIN_URL $THIS_REPO || git clone --quiet --depth 9 -b $TRAVIS_BRANCH $REMOTE_ORIGIN_URL $THIS_REPO
git checkout -qf $TRAVIS_COMMIT
fi &&
depth: 9

email: false
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Core/Actions.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ From mathcomp
Require Import path.
Require Import Eqdep.
Require Import Relation_Operators.
From DiSeL.Heaps
Require Import pred prelude idynamic ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap coding.
From DiSeL.Core
From fcsl
Require Import axioms pred prelude ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap.
From DiSeL
Require Import Freshness State EqTypeX Protocols Worlds NetworkSem.
Require Classical_Prop.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,19 +285,19 @@ set s2 := let: d := getS s l in
upd l (DStatelet f' s') s.
exists s2, msg; split=>//; exists b; split=>//.
move: (safe_safe (And4 C S J K))=> S''.
by rewrite -E (proof_irrelevance S'' S') .
by rewrite -E (pf_irr S'' S') .

Lemma send_act_step_sem s1 (S : send_act_safe s1) s2 r:
send_act_step S s2 r -> network_step W this s1 s2.
case=>_[b][E Z]; case: (S)=>C S' /andP[D1] D2 K; subst s2=>/=.
rewrite (proof_irrelevance (safe_safe S) S') in E; clear S.
rewrite (pf_irr (safe_safe S) S') in E; clear S.
rewrite /all_hooks_fire/filter_hooks in K.
move: st S' E K pf'; clear pf' st; subst p=>st S' E K' pf'.
apply: (@SendMsg W this s1 _ l st pf' to msg)=>////.
move=>z lc hk E'; apply: (K' z); rewrite E'.
by rewrite find_um_filt/= eqxx.
by rewrite find_umfilt/= eqxx.

Definition send_action_wrapper :=
Expand Down
46 changes: 22 additions & 24 deletions Core/Always.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ From mathcomp
Require Import path.
Require Import Eqdep.
Require Import Relation_Operators.
From DiSeL.Heaps
Require Import pred prelude idynamic ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap coding.
From DiSeL.Core
From fcsl
Require Import axioms pred prelude ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap.
From DiSeL
Require Import Freshness State EqTypeX DepMaps Protocols Worlds NetworkSem Rely.
From DiSeL.Core
Require Import Actions Injection Process.
From DiSeL.Core
Require InductiveInv.
From DiSeL
Require Import Actions Injection Process InductiveInv.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Expand All @@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ Variable W : world.

Notation coherent := (Coh W).

Implicit Arguments proc [W this].
Arguments proc [this W].

Fixpoint always_sc A (s1 : state) p scs (P : state -> proc A -> Prop) : Prop :=
s1 \In coherent /\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ Proof.
move=>C H [|sc scs]; split=>// s2; case/H=>// H1[H2]H3//.
split=>//; first by case: sc.
move=>s3 q /stepAct [v][pf][_ -> St].
rewrite (proof_irrelevance H1 pf) in H3.
rewrite (pf_irr H1 pf) in H3.
apply: alw_ret'; last by move=>s4; apply: H3 St.
by case: (step_coh (a_step_sem St)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ move=>Ls; split.
by move=>H ps; apply/(alwA' _ (Ls ps))=>x; apply: H.

Implicit Arguments alwA [A B s p P].
Arguments alwA [A B s p P].

(* always commutes with implication, so we can weaken the postconditions *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +238,7 @@ move=>Ls; split; first by move=>H Hp scs; apply/alwI': Hp.
by move=>H scs; apply/alwI'=>//; move/H; move/(_ scs).

Implicit Arguments alwI [A s p P Q].
Arguments alwI [A s p P Q].

Lemma alw_bnd A B (p1 : proc A) (p12 : proc B) pp2 s1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,8 +334,8 @@ split; apply: alw_imp=>t q _ I.
by move=>v; move/I.

Implicit Arguments aftA [A B s p P].
Implicit Arguments aftI [A s p P Q].
Arguments aftA [A B s p P].
Arguments aftI [A s p P Q].

End Always.

Expand All @@ -364,8 +362,8 @@ case: (sem_split w C1 C2 N); case=>R E; [subst s2'|subst s2];
split=>//; apply: Idle; split=>//.
case: (step_coh N)=>C _.
case/(cohE w): (C)=>s3[s4][E]C' C''.
move: (coh_prec (cohS C) E C1 C')=>Z; subst s3.
by rewrite (joinfK (cohS C) E).
move: (coh_prec (cohS C) C1 C' E)=>Z; subst s3.
by rewrite (joinxK (cohS C) E).

Lemma rely_split s1 s1' s2 s2' :
Expand All @@ -382,12 +380,12 @@ elim: n s1 s1' E C1 C2=>[|n IH] /= s1 s1'; last first.
+ by case: G1=>m R; exists m.+1, z, s4.
by case: G2=>m R; exists m.+1, z, s5.
move=> [E1 E2] C1 C2.
move: (coh_prec (cohS E2) E1 C1 C2)=>Z; subst s2.
rewrite (joinfK (cohS E2) E1); split; exists 0=>//.
split=>//; rewrite -(joinfK (cohS E2) E1)=>{E1 s2' C2}.
move: (coh_prec (cohS E2) C1 C2 E1)=>Z; subst s2.
rewrite (joinxK (cohS E2) E1); split; exists 0=>//.
split=>//; rewrite -(joinxK (cohS E2) E1)=>{E1 s2' C2}.
move/(cohE w): (E2)=>[t1][t2][E]C' C''.
move: ((coh_prec (cohS E2)) E C1 C')=>Z; subst t1.
by rewrite (joinfK (cohS E2) E).
move: ((coh_prec (cohS E2)) C1 C' E)=>Z; subst t1.
by rewrite (joinxK (cohS E2) E).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,13 +421,13 @@ case=>sc' [q'][x1][i2][y1][_ -> E -> {sc q s}] _ T Ls.

have [E1 E2] : x1 = i1 /\ y1 = j1.
- case: T=>Cx1 _.
move: (coh_prec (cohS C) E Ci1 Cx1) (E)=><-{E Cx1 x1}.
by move/(joinfK (cohS C)).
move: (coh_prec (cohS C) Ci1 Cx1 E) (E)=><-{E Cx1 x1}.
by move/(joinxK (cohS C)).
rewrite {E x1}E1 {y1}E2 in T *.
have C' : i2 \+ j1 \In Coh W.
- move: (C)=>C'; rewrite (cohE w) in C *=>[[s1]][s2][E]D1 D2.
move: (coh_prec (cohS C') E Ci1 D1)=>Z; subst i1.
move: (joinfK (cohS C') E)=>Z; subst s2; clear E.
move: (coh_prec (cohS C') Ci1 D1 E)=>Z; subst i1.
move: (joinxK (cohS C') E)=>Z; subst s2; clear E.
apply/(cohE w); exists i2, j1; split=>//.
by case/step_coh: (pstep_network_sem T).
move/(alw_step Ls): T=>{Ls} Ls.
Expand Down
31 changes: 14 additions & 17 deletions Core/DepMaps.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ From mathcomp
Require Import path.
Require Import Eqdep.
Require Import Relation_Operators.
From DiSeL.Heaps
Require Import pred prelude idynamic ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap coding.
From DiSeL.Core
From fcsl
Require Import pred prelude ordtype finmap pcm unionmap heap.
From DiSeL
Require Import Freshness EqTypeX.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

(* An implementation of a dependent map structure *)

Module DepMaps.
Expand All @@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ Variable V : Type.
Variable labF: V -> Label.

Definition dmDom (u : union_map Label V) : bool :=
all (fun l => if find l u is Some p then (labF p) == l else false) (keys_of u).
all (fun l => if find l u is Some p then (labF p) == l else false) (dom u).

Record depmap := DepMap {
dmap : union_map Label V;
Expand All @@ -37,9 +36,7 @@ Section PCMOps.
Variable dm : depmap.

Lemma dmDom_unit : dmDom Unit.
by apply/allP=>l; rewrite keys_dom dom0 inE.
Proof. by apply/allP=>l; rewrite dom0. Qed.

Definition unit := DepMap dmDom_unit.

Expand All @@ -53,12 +50,12 @@ Lemma dmDom_join um1 um2:
dmDom um1 -> dmDom um2 -> dmDom (um1 \+ um2).
case; case W: (valid (um1 \+ um2)); last first.
- by move=> _ _; apply/allP=>l; rewrite keys_dom=>/dom_valid; rewrite W.
move/allP=>D1/allP D2; apply/allP=>l; rewrite keys_dom.
- by move=> _ _; apply/allP=>l; move/dom_valid; rewrite W.
move/allP=>D1/allP D2; apply/allP=>l.
rewrite domUn inE=>/andP[_]/orP; rewrite findUnL//; case=>E; rewrite ?E.
- by apply: D1; rewrite keys_dom.
- by apply: D1.
rewrite joinC in W; case: validUn W=>// _ _ /(_ l E)/negbTE->_.
by apply: D2; rewrite keys_dom.
by apply: D2.

Definition join : depmap := DepMap (dmDom_join (@pf dm1) (@pf dm2)).
Expand All @@ -84,21 +81,21 @@ Lemma joinC f1 f2 : f1 \+ f2 = f2 \+ f1.
case: f1 f2=>d1 pf1[d2 pf2]; rewrite /join/=.
move: (dmDom_join pf1 pf2) (dmDom_join pf2 pf1); rewrite joinC=>G1 G2.
by move: (proof_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.
by move: (bool_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.

Lemma joinCA f1 f2 f3 : f1 \+ (f2 \+ f3) = f2 \+ (f1 \+ f3).
case: f1 f2 f3=>d1 pf1[d2 pf2][d3 pf3]; rewrite /join/=.
move: (dmDom_join pf1 (dmDom_join pf2 pf3)) (dmDom_join pf2 (dmDom_join pf1 pf3)).
by rewrite joinCA=>G1 G2; move: (proof_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.
by rewrite joinCA=>G1 G2; move: (bool_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.

Lemma joinA f1 f2 f3 : f1 \+ (f2 \+ f3) = (f1 \+ f2) \+ f3.
case: f1 f2 f3=>d1 pf1[d2 pf2][d3 pf3]; rewrite /join/=.
move: (dmDom_join pf1 (dmDom_join pf2 pf3)) (dmDom_join (dmDom_join pf1 pf2) pf3).
by rewrite joinA=>G1 G2; move: (proof_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.
by rewrite joinA=>G1 G2; move: (bool_irrelevance G1 G2)=>->.

Lemma validL f1 f2 : valid (f1 \+ f2) -> valid f1.
Expand All @@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ Lemma unitL f : unit \+ f = f.
rewrite /join/unit/=; case: f=>//=u pf.
move: pf (dmDom_join (dmDom_unit labF) pf); rewrite unitL=>g1 g2.
by move: (proof_irrelevance g1 g2)=>->.
by move: (bool_irrelevance g1 g2)=>->.

Lemma validU : valid unit.
Expand All @@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ Definition DepMap := DepMap.
Lemma dep_unit (d : depmap labF) : dmap d = Unit -> d = unit labF.
case: d=>u pf/=; rewrite /unit. move: (dmDom_unit labF)=>pf' Z; subst u.
by rewrite (proof_irrelevance pf).
by rewrite (bool_irrelevance pf).

Coercion dmap := dmap.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Core/DiSeLExtraction.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
From DiSeL.Core
From DiSeL
Require Import While.

Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Expand Down

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