Dette projekt er en personlig portefølje, der viser mine færdigheder og projekter som softwareingeniørstuderende på 4. semester ved Aarhus Universitet. Det er bygget med React, TypeScript og TailwindCSS. 💻
Formålet med denne portefølje er at præsentere mine projekter, værktøjer og erfaringer inden for softwareudvikling. Den giver også en platform for potentielle arbejdsgivere og samarbejdspartnere til at lære mere om mine færdigheder og baggrund.
- Responsiv design: Porteføljen er designet til at fungere på forskellige enheder og skærmstørrelser. 📱💻
- Interaktive sektioner: Inkluderer sektioner for om mig, mine projekter, værktøjer og erfaring. 🔍
- TypeScript support: Giver bedre typekontrol og fejlfindingsmuligheder. 🛠️
- Projekter: Få et overblik over forskellige projekter med både billeder, videor, og dokumentationsdokumenter. 📂
- Animationer: Bruger CSS-animationer for at forbedre brugeroplevelsen. 🎨
- App.css: 0 linjer kode
- App.tsx: 148 linjer kode
- Index.css: 136 linjer kode
- main.tsx: 19 linjer kode
- useActiveSection.ts: 34 linjer kode
- useLanguage.ts: 13 linjer kode
- useTheme.ts: 13 linjer kode
- isMobile.ts: 4 linjer kode
- LanguageProvider.tsx: 24 linjer kode
- ThemeProvider.tsx: 37 linjer kode
- languageContext.ts: 14 linjer kode
- themeContext.ts: 11 linjer kode
- AnimatedText.tsx: 33 linjer kode
- CoursesData.ts: 52 linjer kode
- ProjectsData.ts: 133 linjer kode
- ToolsData.ts: 57 linjer kode
- LanguagesData.ts: 72 linjer kode
- TailwindIndicator.tsx: 15 linjer kode
- SectionNavigation.tsx: 76 linjer kode
- LoadingScreen.tsx: 22 linjer kode
- CursorEffect.tsx: 174 linjer kode
- About.tsx: 82 linjer kode
- Contact.tsx: 138 linjer kode
- Education.tsx: 169 linjer kode
- Experience.tsx: 32 linjer kode
- Footer.tsx: 22 linjer kode
- Home.tsx: 90 linjer kode
- ProgrammingLanguages.tsx: 41 linjer kode
- ProjectModal.tsx: 385 linjer kode
- Projects.tsx: 60 linjer kode
- Tools.tsx: 48 linjer kode
- Total linjer kode: 2154 linjer kode
This project is a personal portfolio showcasing my skills and projects as a software engineering student in the 4th semester at Aarhus University. It is built with React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. 💻
The purpose of this portfolio is to present my projects, tools, and experiences in software development. It also provides a platform for potential employers and collaborators to learn more about my skills and background.
- Responsive Design: The portfolio is designed to work on various devices and screen sizes. 📱💻
- Interactive Sections: Includes sections for about me, my projects, tools, and experience. 🔍
- TypeScript Support: Provides better type checking and debugging capabilities. 🛠️
- Projects: Get an overview of various projects with images, videos, and documentation files. 📂
- Animations: Utilizes CSS animations to enhance the user experience. 🎨
- App.css: 0 lines of code
- App.tsx: 148 lines of code
- Index.css: 136 lines of code
- main.tsx: 19 lines of code
- useActiveSection.ts: 34 lines of code
- useLanguage.ts: 13 lines of code
- useTheme.ts: 13 lines of code
- isMobile.ts: 4 lines of code
- LanguageProvider.tsx: 24 lines of code
- ThemeProvider.tsx: 37 lines of code
- languageContext.ts: 14 lines of code
- themeContext.ts: 11 lines of code
- AnimatedText.tsx: 33 lines of code
- CoursesData.ts: 52 lines of code
- ProjectsData.ts: 133 lines of code
- ToolsData.ts: 57 lines of code
- LanguagesData.ts: 72 lines of code
- TailwindIndicator.tsx: 15 lines of code
- SectionNavigation.tsx: 76 lines of code
- LoadingScreen.tsx: 22 lines of code
- CursorEffect.tsx: 174 lines of code
- About.tsx: 82 lines of code
- Contact.tsx: 138 lines of code
- Education.tsx: 169 lines of code
- Experience.tsx: 32 lines of code
- Footer.tsx: 22 lines of code
- Home.tsx: 90 lines of code
- ProgrammingLanguages.tsx: 41 lines of code
- ProjectModal.tsx: 385 lines of code
- Projects.tsx: 60 lines of code
- Tools.tsx: 48 lines of code
- Total lines of code: 2154 lines of code