A large part of a software developers job is to find problems. To find problems in existing applications and to minimize problems in applications.
This project is a broken epress application that you should fix to help you to think about fixing error in your application. Because errors will be there for sure. How you interact and use them is crucial in your programming career.
In this session we will look at tips, tricks and techniques for tracking down problems in our applications.
- How to track down errors
- Analyzing stack traces
- Isolating an issue
- Debugging tools
- Understanding the big picture
- What areas in the application are error prone
- What clues do we have?
- How to read error messages
- Which code is yours?
- At which line is the error?
- Why could things go wrong at that line?
- Silent failure?
- Remove code - check if it still fails
- Put code back until the error happens again
- Look at lines before & after the problem
- Chrome developer tools - break points
- print things to the console.
- break problem down into components
- use log files - with various log levels
CREATE DATABASE debugging_tips;
CREATE USER debugger@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON debugging_tips.* TO debugger@localhost;
create table issues (
id int not null auto_increment,
heading char(100) not null,
description text,
primary key(id)
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