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Cozy Home

Welcome to Cozy Home, your one-stop destination for high-quality furniture online. Our platform offers a seamless shopping experience, allowing users to explore a wide range of furniture products, create accounts, manage carts, and much more.


Technologies Used


React React  React router React router   TypeScript Typescript  Redux Redux  HTML HTML  Sass SCSS  
framer Framer-motion Swiper Swiper  Lenis scroll Lenis scroll  Formik.js Formik.js  LazyLoad Images

Hosted by Vercel Vercel


Java Java  kafka Kafka  Spring Boot Spring  mongoDB  MongoDB  Swagger  Swagger

Hosted by Render Vercel


  • User Authentication: Secure user registration and login functionality.
    • Google Auth
    • Auth by emeil and confirmation list.
  • Shopping Cart: Users can add and remove products from their cart, also information saved on backend.
  • Favorites List: Create and manage a list of favorite products for quick access.
  • Product Filters: Extensive dynamic filters for easy product search based on categories, subcategories, color, size, height, weight, etc.
  • Product sliders for promo blocks: Slider sections showcasing popular products, new arrivals, similar products in categories.
  • Reviews: Users can view and add reviews for products.
  • Product Availability: Request products that are currently unavailable.
  • Lazy Loading: Optimized image loading for improved performance.
  • Password Recovery: Forgot your password? No problem! Users can reset their passwords securely.

Getting Started

To get started with Cozy Home, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the development server: npm start

Make sure you have the backend server running as well to handle API requests.

Future Enhancements

  • Improved Filtering: Enhance the filtering options to provide more specific search results.
  • Advanced Analytics: Implement analytics tools to track user behavior and preferences.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilize machine learning algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations.
  • Social Media Integration: Enable users to share their favorite products on social media platforms.
  • Order Tracking: Introduce order tracking functionality to keep users informed about their purchases.

Task Management

  • Task Manager: Jira
  • Project Management: Mirro


This project is licensed under the MIT License.