- DnAp
- TheZero
- Reverse engineering main_out.js with user frendly variables names
- Greater field of view - zoom rate from 10 to 10.35
- Depict circle around big points
- Show mass for all points
- Color enemy
- Green - small food
- Sea green - food
- Blue - friend, safe mass
- Red - predator
Copy files to your server and open http://localhost/index.html
[termnology: B=Byte, I=int, U=uint, F=float]
- send 5B (1B=255 + 4B=1) when opened connection
- send name: 0(1B) + characters ascii(2B each, to support other languages)
- send actions: 1B number(command)
- 1 : spectate
- 17: space key (split)
- 18: Q key (apparently don't work)
- 19: Q keyup, close game (apparently don't work)
- 21: W key (eject mass)
- send normalized location: 21B
- 16(1BI) + xPos(8BF) + yPos(8BF) + 0(4BI)
16: main loop which called very often with updated locations of everyone. following data format.
- 2BU: number points to destroy. probably first eating second.
- info of above points: id of first(4BU) + id of 2nd(4BU)
- id of a point(4BU)+x(4BF)+y(4BF)+size(4BF)+color[R(1BU)+G(1BU)+B(1BU)]+
- isVirus(1BU)+[padding=f(isVirus)]+name(2BU,till 0)+2B unused+
- numUpdateCodes(4BU)+list of ids(4BU) probably to destroy
17: returns normalization params, px, py and ratio
- this message never came
20: resets points.
- this message never came
32: informs the client which cell belongs to the player.
- sent every time you split or respawn.
48: elements with name.
- probably old leaderboard method. also doesnt come here
49: leaderboard
- name and ids list sorted by rank (top 10)
64: size of canvas
- comes when select region. fixed for all regions