Releases: DoHaiSon/InSI
Releases · DoHaiSon/InSI
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed resolution issues when resizing droplist.
- Closed
in error cases to prevent hanging. - Skipped loading results when an error is caught.
- Hid lines on graphs when only one line is present.
- Fixed errors in CRB mode workspace.
Features and Enhancements
New Dashboards:
- Added dashboards for all algorithms in Algo mode.
- Added new dashboards for CMA algorithms.
- Introduced a new dashboard for all models in CRB mode.
- Updated FINE algorithm dashboard.
Algorithm and Model Updates:
- Added Fast CRB algorithm.
- Added Fast SS for MIMO-OFDM algorithm.
- Introduced a new function and dashboard for the FINE algorithm.
- Modified CR and CS algorithms.
- Updated semi-blind, non-blind, and blind algorithms.
- Enhanced FI algorithm.
Demo Mode Improvements:
- Added EN-based models and Fast_SS to Demo mode.
- Included Massive SIMO and a new estimator for dynamic phase offset estimation in Demo mode.
- Updated beacon settings for Demo mode.
- Replaced Viettel M3 logo with Viettel SMC.
- Changed unit of fontsize to normalized.
- Added Nafosted and VMC to the about section.
- Renamed and restructured several models and parameters (e.g., DPTE -> PTE).
- Scaled dashboard images to a fixed resolution.
InSI docs website, dynamic InSI resolution, help, ref, and more
** Changelog:
InSI docs website:
Core Functions:
- Renamed from InfoSysID to InSI, #1.
- Re-constructed the dashboard layout: figure options to the menu bar area, #3.
- Text changed: "Criterion" => Performance and "Params" => "Parameters", #4.
- Replaced SNR and Err on the Toolbox Workspace by Output type and Run time, #5.
- Export input parameters and output error rate to the Matlab workspace in a struct, #6.
- Renamed and more modulations: QAM-4 => 4-QAM, QAM-64, 128, 256, #7.
- New dashboard title, load output figure title and dashboard title from the comment of algorithms instead of params.m file, #8, #9.
- New help button in select input parameters menu, the massage dialog box of help as shown in the command window and access the original paper URL, #10.
- Disable the hold on figure option when users had multiple output types, #11.
- Full name + notation of input parameters menu, #13.
- Dynamic the size of the InSI toolbox and texts in any screen resolution and scale, #14, #16, #17.
- Load logos of VNU-UET, Orleans, AVITECH, PRISME Lab, Viettel-M3, and NAFOSTED onto the InSI dashboard, #15.
- InSI modtool version 1.2.0, #18.
- New menu bar for bug report and license.
Bugs fixed:
- In Matlab version 2016 and earlier, handles.figmode property is Label not Text, #12.
- fixed issue: when user closes the questdlg, nothing return.
- convert OnOffSwitchState enumeration to char: working in R2006A.
- move close_InSI after addpath
- More and more minor bug fixes in GitHub commits.
#1 Python support and docs of core functions:
** Changelog:
InfoSysID Toolbox: Supports more algorithms
CE Mode:
- ZF for OFDM systems.
- MMSE for OFDM systems.
- SB-MRE algorithm (our proposed)
CRB Mode:
- Fisher Information Neural Estimation (FINE): T. T. Duy, L. V. Nguyen, V. -D. Nguyen, N. L. Trung and K. Abed-Meraim, "Fisher Information Neural Estimation," in 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrade, Serbia, 2022, pp. 2111-2115.
Core Functions
- Python support: python script, e.g., FINE, will be run outside of MatLab, and the results are imported into InfoSysID Toolbox.
- Docs for a part of core functions (/Shared/General).
- Close all InfoSysID toolbox windows before opening a new one.
- Added an open reference paper button to each algorithm in the toolbox.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed dir too long in Linux when booting.
- Used char variables instead of strings to support older MatLab versions.
- More and more minor bug fixes in GitHub commits.
Hotfix start and modtool script:
** Changelog:
- start script:
is not working in old windows versions (i.e., XP, 7) due to the limitation of characters in an array.- Fixed: ignored .git folder via
- Fixed: ignored .git folder via
- modtool script: syntax
text = fileread(filename,Encoding=encoding)
not working in older Matlab version.- Fixed: ignored
- Fixed: ignored
Channel estimation (CE): Full algorithms support.
- This version supported all old Blind Toolbox algorithms (the results are verified with default input arguments)
- InfoSysID_modtool v1.0.0: supported users undo (back button).
** Changelog:
InfoSysID Toolbox:
CE Mode: Supported all Algorithms from the old toolbox version in 4 types of outputs, i.e., SER, BER, MSE Sigal, and MSE Channel.
- CR
- Standard
- Minimum
- Minimum White
- Unbiased
- CS
- Standard
- FI
- OP
InfoSysID modtool:
- Add functionals for the Back button: helps users to modify their previous inputs.
Core Functions
- Supported SER, MSE Signal, and MSE channel outputs.
- Support input channel from input files (.mat).
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed workspace value for edit box
- Fixed some typo docs
InfoSysID_modtool v0.1.0
This version focused on releasing a new tool called "modtool", which helps users create modules to integrate their algorithms into the Toolbox.
(FYI: a template module consists of interfaces and the main function)
** Changelog:
- Core functions:
- InfoSysID_modtool v0.1.0: GUI supports automatically generating new modules.
- Bugs fixed:
- Fixed bugs related to the dependence library in the Channel estimation algorithms.
Channel estimation (CE): Blind algorithms support
CE Mode: Supported all Algorithms from the old toolbox version if they use Bit err rate / Sym err rate output.
- CMA:
- CMA Analytical
- CMA Newton
- CMA Gradient
- CMA Gradient adaptive
- CMA Gradient block
- CMA Gradient Unidimensional
- LP
- MRE:
- MRE quadratic constraint
- MRE linear constraint
- MRE adaptive
- SS
Core functions:
- Updated custom x, and y labels, or title for each algorithm.
- Full function Generate channel
- Used mfilename instead of getActive dir
Bugs fixed:
- Miss the shape of the params window when users switch the algorithms.
- Fixed Workspace in single fig mode