- Overview
- Prerequisites
- Installing & getting started
- Configuring prettier
- Available hooks
- Use event listener
- Use key press
- Use enter esc events
- Use page bottom
- Use window size
- Use lock scroll
- Use outside click
- Use mobile detect
- Use touch screen detect
- Use pagination
- Use async pagination
- Use deep linking pagination
- Use array
- Use boolean
- Use copy to clipboard
- Use document title
- Use external script
- Use external style
- Use countdown
- Use interval
- Use timer
- Use debounce
- Use fetch
- Use fetch with service
- Use magnify
- Use tilt
- Use previous value
- Use router
- Available scripts
This project groups a very useful list of custom react hooks and shows you how to use them as well.
- nodeJS > 14.X.X or Docker
- Clone repo =>
git clone git@github.com:DonAdam2/webpack-react-boilerplate.git
- Navigate to project directory
cd webpack-react-boilerplate
- Install dependencies =>
yarn install
- Start the development server =>
yarn start
- Clone repo =>
git clone git@github.com:DonAdam2/webpack-react-boilerplate.git
- Navigate to project directory
cd webpack-react-boilerplate
- Install dependencies (required for prettier) =>
yarn install
- Start the development server =>
docker-compose up web-dev
- If you are using Windows 11 or 10, it's recommended to use WSL2:
- Install WSL on windows
- Install docker on windows
- Open docker desktop app:
- settings => resources => WSL integration => enable required Ubuntu integration
- Setup SSH keys (if you want) on windows and share it with WSL
- Create a new directory in ubuntu:
mkdir workspace cd workspace
- Clone this repo into the selected Ubuntu:
git clone git@github.com:DonAdam2/webpack-react-boilerplate.git
- Install curl in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install curl
- Install nvm:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
- Install required node version:
nvm install --lts
- Install yarn globally:
npm install -g yarn
- Update permissions to be able to install NPM packages
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/workspace/webpack-react-boilerplate
- Install packages (for linting purposes):
yarn install
- Run docker for development:
docker-compose up web-dev
- Update the production section of the Dockerfile to meet your needs
- Run the following command to build your image =>
docker-compose up web-prod
This build relies on Prettier formatter to enforce code style. And ESLint for identifying problematic patterns found in the code.
Setting up prettier:
1- You can find steps on how to set up prettier formatter with WebStorm/PhpStorm here.
- It's better to use the local
version of prettier instead of a global one, to avoid version conflicts (in case the globally installed version does not match the version specified inpackage.json
2- Follow the next steps to set up prettier and eslint in VS Code:
plugin -
plugin -
Open VS Code settings
CTRL + ,
:a- Search for
=> check Format on saveb- Search for
=> add.prettierrc
in Prettier: Config Path section && check Prettier: Require Config
3- Please refer to other tutorials if you are using a different IDE.
- It's better to use the local
- This hook allows you to attach the required event to the required target (default is window) and remove it on unmount
- It takes the following arguments:
- eventName: required event name to trigger
- handler: handler to attach to the given event
- element: target element (default is window)
- This hook makes it easy to detect when the user is pressing a specific key on their keyboard.
- It takes target key as an argument
- It returns a boolean which detects if the target key is being pressed or not
- This hook allows you to fire events on enter or ESC buttons
- It takes the following arguments:
- cancelHandler: a function to trigger on ESC button press
- confirmHandler: a function to trigger on enter button press
- This hook allows you to detect if you are at the bottom of the page.
- Can be used to implement infinite scroll functionality.
- This hook return the width and the height of the window
- Sometimes you want to prevent your users from mbeing able to scroll the body of your page while a particular component is absolutely positioned over your page (think of a modal)
- It takes the following arguments:
- targetElement: target element to lock scroll (default => document.body)
- immediate: a boolean to detect when to lock scroll (default => true)
- This hook allows you to trigger an event on the required element if clicked outside
- It takes the following arguments:
- ref: required element ref
- callback: a function to trigger if clicked outside the required element
- This hook allows you to detect if your user is using your app from a mobile or not
- This hook allows you to detect if your user is using a touch screen device to access your app or not
- This hook gives you pagination functionality out of the box, which can be integrated with any pagination component.
- It takes the following arguments:
- contentPerPage: how many elements to display per page?
- count: total length of elements
- It returns the following:
- currentPageNum: active page number
- totalPages: total number of pages
- paginationBlocks: pagination blocks (numbers and right, left "can be used to add icons in the correct place")
- navigateToNextPage: function to navigate to the next page
- navigateToPrevPage: function to navigate to the previous page
- navigateToPage: function to navigate to the required page
- navigateToFirstPage: function to navigate to the first page
- navigateToLastPage: function to navigate to the last page
- navigateToNextPaginationBlock: function to navigate to the next pagination block
- navigateToPrevPaginationBlock: function to navigate to the previous pagination block
- firstContentIndex: first element index of the current page (can be used in slice function to display the content of the current page)
- lastContentIndex: last element index of the current page (can be used in slice function to display the content of the current page)
- This hook gives you asynchronous pagination functionality (tied with an API call) out of the box, which can be integrated with any pagination component.
- It takes the following arguments (same as Use pagination hook), plus the following:
- fetchData: function to fetch data using an API (it takes the current page as an argument)
- It returns the following (same as Use pagination hook), plus the following:
- resetCurrentPageNum: function to reset current page number (usefull if you want to reset the current page number after making an API call in another part of your app "e.g. search API")
- And without the following (because we are getting data from an API):
- firstContentIndex
- lastContentIndex
- This hook gives you pagination functionality with deep linking (current page as search params in the URL) out of the box, which can be integrated with any pagination component.
- If you refresh the page you will be landed on the correct page number specified in the URL.
- It takes the following arguments (same as Use pagination hook), plus the following:
- deepLinkingData: it has pageNumKey which gives you the ability to set search params key in the URL
- It returns the same as props as Use pagination hook.
- This hook makes it easier to manage an array by wrapping some functionalities of it (which can be extended to your needs).
- It takes an array as an argument, and it returns the new array and a list of functions to apply on it
- This hook gives you the ability to control boolean state
- It takes true or false as an argument
- It returns current boolean value and (toggle, on and off) functions
- This hook allows you to copy text to the clipboard and displays a confirmation toast (using react-toastify) on success.
- It returns the following:
- Boolean to detect if text is copied or not
- Function (takes the required text to copy as an argument) to copy text
- This hook allows you to change document title
- It takes title as an argument
- This hook makes it super easy to dynamically load external script and know when it's loaded. This is useful when you need to interact with a 3rd party library (Moyasar, stripe, etc) and you'd prefer to load the script when needed rather than include it in the document body.
- It takes the following arguments:
- src: 3rd party script URL
- immediate: a boolean to detect when to inject it in the DOM
- It returns a string status (idle, loading, ready, error)
- Similar to Use external script hook but for external styles
- This hook allows you to have a controlled count down.
- It takes the following arguments:
- initialCounter: required time in seconds
- callback: a function which gets the current counter value as an argument
- It returns the following:
- counter: current counter value
- resetCounter: a function to reset the counter
- stopCounter: a function to stop the counter
- pauseCounter: a function to pause the counter
- resumeCounter: a function to resume the counter
- isStopBtnDisabled: a boolean to detect if the stop counter button is disabled
- isPauseBtnDisabled: a boolean to detect if the pause counter button is disabled
- isResumeBtnDisabled: a boolean to detect if the resume counter button is disabled
- This hook allows you to have interval functionality
- This hook gives you timer functionality
- It returns the following:
- renderedStreamDuration: current duration to display
- isStartBtnDisabled: boolean to detect if the start button is disabled
- isStopBtnDisabled: boolean to detect if the stop button is disabled
- isPauseBtnDisabled: boolean to detect if the pause button is disabled
- isResumeBtnDisabled: boolean to detect if the resume button is disabled
- startHandler: function to start the timer
- stopHandler: function to stop the timer
- pauseHandler: function to pause the timer
- resumeHandler: function to resume the timer
- This hook allows you to have a debounced input. For example if you want to make an API call on key press
- It takes the following arguments:
- searchTerm: target input value
- delay: required delay in milliseconds
- It returns the debounced search term which can be used to make an API
- This hook allows you to fetch data easily on demand (using axios).
- It takes the following arguments:
- url: API url
- options: API options (default => null)
- initialDataType: expected data type of the response
- immediate: a boolean to detect when to make an API (default => true) (can be used to make an API on button click)
- It returns the following:
- data: API response on success
- error: API error on error
- isLoading: a boolean to detect API progress
- This hook allows you to fetch data easily using a service (using axios with interceptors).
- It takes the following arguments:
- api: required service API
- initialDataType: expected data type of the response
- immediate: a boolean to detect when to make an API (default => true) (can be used to make an API on button click)
- It returns the same data as Use fetch hook
- This hook allows you to magnify the given image
- It takes magnifyTimes as an argument (decimal) which specifies how much you want to magnify your image
- It returns the modified image ref
- This hook allows you to tilt the given HTML element
- It returns the modified HTML element ref
- This hook returns the previous value of props or state.
- It takes required value of props or state as an argument
- This hook wraps all react router v6 hooks and exposes just the data and methods we need
- It returns the following:
- navigate: navigate function from useNavigate hook
- location: location object from useLocation hook
- pathname: current pathname from useLocation hook
- params: an object of current params from useParams hook
- searchParams: an object of all search params from useSearchParams hook
- setSearchParams: a function to set search params from useSearchParams hook
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
It will open http://localhost:3000 automatically in the browser to see your app.
All changes will be injected automatically without reloading the page.
You will see in the console the following:
- Any of the following errors:
- Linting errors.
- Code format errors (because of prettier)
Builds the app for production to the dist
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
Serves the app on http://localhost:8080/
from the dist
folder to check the production version.
Note: Use this script only if you ran the build script yarn build
It allows you to analyze the bundle size.