This guide will help you to configure vnstat package to collect and plot network statistics for chosen network interface(s).
- Install Entware,
- Install necesary packages:
opkg install vnstati cron
- Configure cron, download cron job and make it executable:
sed -i 's|root|admin|g' /opt/etc/crontab
wget --no-check-certificate -O /opt/etc/cron.hourly/
chmod +x /opt/etc/cron.hourly/
interface statistics will collected by default. You should replace it if you want to monitor another one. Picketh2.2
interface if you've got dynamic/static IP connection to ISP:
sed -i 's|ppp0|eth2.2|g' /opt/etc/init.d/S32vnstat
sed -i 's|ppp0|eth2.2|g' /opt/etc/cron.hourly/
- Make folder for WebUI images and download index file:
mkdir -p /opt/share/www/custom
wget -O /opt/share/www/custom/vnstat.html
- Start cron and vnstatd services, they will be started automatically on every boot:
/opt/etc/init.d/S10cron start
/opt/etc/init.d/S32vnstat start
- Done! You may show interface stats via console...
# vnstat -h -i eth2.2
eth2.2 15:04
^ r
| r r
| r r r
| r r r
| r r r r
| r r r r
| r r r r
| r r r r r
| r r r r r r
| r r r r r r r
| 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
h rx (KiB) tx (KiB) h rx (KiB) tx (KiB) h rx (KiB) tx (KiB)
16 52111 5161 00 374 48 08 6089 348
17 376 46 01 374 46 09 41121 2644
18 376 48 02 374 47 10 53258 4048
19 376 46 03 371 47 11 59056 2947
20 376 48 04 382 47 12 23250 2139
21 373 47 05 403 48 13 17059 2099
22 374 47 06 405 47 14 3396 1283
23 373 47 07 405 48 15 200 128
...or via Web interface, by opening http://my.router/custom/vnstat.html URL.