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Releases: DonutsNL/ticketfilter

Pre-release for testing

15 Nov 20:55
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Need feedback on new implemented feature.

Pre-release for testing purposes.

  • Added PHP version check minimal version 8 required;
  • Added source validation, if enabled, the requester (either who sends the email, or who creates the ticket) needs to be present as requester in matched tickets before updates are added. If requester is not present, matched ticket will NOT be updated by the plugin.
  • Added phpunit for unit testing purposes, configured phpunit to run some basic tests also added github action to perform testing on sync.

Version 1.2.0

27 Sep 16:41
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Ticketfilter will now:

  • Allow you to reopen closed tickets if an update is received with matching pattern;
  • Allow you to close tickets using a solved match string thats evaluated after the ticketmatchstring has been found;
  • Will now add informative followups if a ticket was automatically reopend or solved by ticketfilter;
  • Will now allow you to configure multiple patterns to support multiple upstream ticket or monitoring systems
  • restructured the code to make the code cleaner
  • allow the plugin to be used in the SaaS offerings of teclib
  • be more secure because of added type safety;
  • easier to maintain and extend because of added comments and documentation inside the codebase.


04 Jul 19:41
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Added the ability to configure the ticket match string using the GLPI interface. Added future configuration options that are not yet functional.


22 Jun 09:08
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Removed hardcoded URL

Version 1.0.1

20 Jun 21:26
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Small corrections

  • Corrected a namespace issue;
  • Corrected code styling issues;
  • Corrected some typo's
  • Extended the readme

version 1.0.0

18 Jun 22:34
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First stable release of ticketFilter.