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Kubernetes controller that can manage Kafka Topics.

Controller assumes you already have a working Kafka installation. How Kafka brokers are actually managed is outside of the scope of this project for the moment.



  • creating topics
  • creating additional partitions for existing topics

Not currently supported

  • deleting topics, garbage collection
  • deleting partitions
  • changing replication factor for existing topics and partitions

Known issues

  • partition assigning can in some cases lead to leader being skewed

Example KafkaTopic

A KafkaTopic represents one Kafka Topic.

kind: KafkaTopic
  name: test-topic
  address: "kafka:9092"
  name: "test-topic"
  partitions: 16
  replicationFactor: 1
    cleanupPolicy: compact
    deleteRetentionsMs: 31556952000

Helm chart

Please see chart/k8skafka-controller for the helm chart docs.

Configure the controller

You may change base settings for the controller using env variables (or alternatively command line arguments). Available env variables:

Name Description Default
METRICS_ADDR The address of the metric endpoint binds to. :9556
PROBE_ADDR The address of the probe endpoints binds to. :9557
ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION Enable leader election for controller manager. false
LEADER_ELECTION_NAMESPACE Change the leader election namespace. This is by default the same where the controller is deployed. ``
NAMESPACES The controller listens by default for all namespaces. This may be limited to a comma delimited list of dedicated namespaces. ``
CONCURRENT The number of concurrent reconcile workers. 4