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Nextflow pipeline for detecting bidirectional transcripts from nascent RNA sequencing data.


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Nextflow pipeline for detecting bidirectional transcripts and counting reads from nascent RNA sequencing data.

This pipeline is built on top of and is an expansion of the Nascent-Flow pipeline ( Using dREG, FStitch and/or Tfit, this pipeline identifies regions of transcription fron nascent experiments.


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Check each tool for configuration requirements.

Configuration Files

Each run of Bidirectional-Flow requires a configuration file which specifies genome-specific and user specific variables.

Edit the configuration file to reflect the correct cluster paths (for genome specific variables and cluster-wide executables like Tfit and FStitch on Fiji), and user-specific paths (for dREG installation).

User account-installed libraries such as boost and R packages must be added to the path before running Bidirectional-Flow, using commands such as the following:

export R_LIBS_USER=/Users/username/.R/3.6.0/
export PATH=/Users/username/.local/boost_1_75_0/:"$PATH"

FStitch Requirements

FStitch can now optionally be run to segment nascent data into active and inactive regions of transcription and annotate bidirectionals (see To run FStitch, you must specify additional parameters in your config file including FS_path and FS_train which are the full path to the FStitch executable (once compiled) and the training file, respectively. See example.config for example parameterization. This option can be executed in the pipeline through the --fstitch argument. Please note that the FStitch bidir module is in Python3 and must also be pip installed (see Package Requirements).

pip3 install fstitch-annotate --user

Mapped file inputs

In order to run Tfit, our best practices filter CRAM/BAM files for multimapped reads based on the NH:i: field. The Tfit portion of the pipeline will not work properly for mappers that do not output this field, such as Bowtie2. If you have mapped files that do not contain this tag, you can filter based on the XS:i: tag. This involves switching which version of the script is commented out (using // comment characters) within the bam_conversion_tfit process.

Loading requirements on SLURM

Below is a summary of all FIJI modules needed to run Bidirectional-Flow. The R version you use depends on which version used for installing packages in user accounts.

module load samtools/1.8
module load bedtools/2.28.0
module load openmpi/1.6.4
module load gcc/7.1.0
module load python/3.6.3
module load R/3.6.1

Running Bidirectional-Flow


The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:

nextflow run /Bidirectional-Flow/ -profile hg38 \
 --crams "/paths/to/*cram" \
 --workdir /processed_data/ \
 --singleEnd \
 --tfit \
 --dreg \

Arguments (see further details about Tfit and dREG options below):

 Required arguments:
      -profile                      Configuration profile to use. <genome_user>
      --crams                       Directory pattern for cram files: /project/*.sorted.cram (Required if --bams not specified).
      --bams                        Directory pattern for bam files: /project/*.sorted.bam (Required if --crams not specified).
      --workdir                     Nextflow working directory where all intermediate files are saved.

 Input File options:
     --singleEnd                    Specifies that the input files are not paired reads (default is paired-end).
     --r1_five_prime                If input file is paired, specifies if read 1 has the 5 prime end (default R2 is five prime, must be manually determined)

 Save options:
     --outdir                       Specifies where to save the output from the nextflow run.
     --savestats                    Saves tfit/dreg bidirectional statistics for all samples (default true)
     --savebam                      Saves sorted bam files (if cram as input)
     --savetfitbam                  Saves multimapped read filtered bamfiles used for tfit
     --savebg                       Saves bedgraph files for tfit and/or dreg (whichever is run)
     --savebw                       Saves dreg bigwig files
     --savebidirs                   Saves bedfiles for promoter/intronic/intergenic bidirectional subsets

 Analysis Options:
     --gene_count                   Run featureCounts to obtain stranded and unstranded gene counts over an annotation.
     --bidir_count                  Run featureCounts to obtain stranded and unstranded read counts over an SAF annotation, such as for Tfit- and/or dREG-derived bidirectionals
     --fstitch                      Run FStitch. If used, you must also specify FS_path and FS_train params.
     --tfit                         Run Tfit bidir and full model. If used, you must also specify the Tfit_path parameter.
     --tfit_prelim                  Run Tfit bidir. If used, you must also specify the Tfit_path parameter. Not compatible with --prelim_files flag.
     --tfit_model                   Run Tfit full model. If used, must specify the Tfit path parameter AND have prelim files from --tfit_prelim process or previous run via the --prelim_files flag. Not compatible with --tfit flag.
     --tfit_split_model             Run Tfit model with different k values for different size regions (<5kb and 5-10kb)
     --prelim_process               Split regions and filter Tfit prelim files according to current best practices(default true). Must be true if running tfit_split_model
     --prelim_files                 Directory pattern for tfit prelim files: /project/*-1_prelim_bidir_hits.bed (required for --tfit_model if --tfit_prelim is not also specified)
     --dreg                         Produce bigwigs formatted for input to dREG.
     --dreg_results                 Run coverage filtering on existing dREG results

Tfit options

Tfit (see contains an internal template matching algorithm (the bidir module) to generate preliminary regions to model, then will model RNAPII activity using the model module.

The two most likely methods of running Tfit are as follows:

nextflow run /Bidirectional-Flow/ -profile hg38 \
 --crams "/paths/to/*cram" \
 --workdir /processed_data/ \
 --singleEnd \
nextflow run /Bidirectional-Flow/ -profile hg38 \
 --crams "/paths/to/*cram" \
 --workdir /processed_data/ \
 --singleEnd \

Running the --tfit argument will run both Tfit modules in sequence. Running the --tfit_split_model argument will run both modules, but will run the model module in an optimized way (implemented for DBNascent). This is detailed further in the "Split Model Run" section below.

With either flag, in between running the two modules, the pipeline will by default run a prelim region processing script, detailed further in the "Prelim Processing" section below.

The modules may also be run separately with --tfit_prelim, which runs the bidir module, or --tfit_model in conjunction with --prelim_files, which runs the model module on already-generated prelim files. For the second option, prelim processing is again run by default.

Prelim Processing

--prelim_process is true by default. This informs the pipeline to process prelim files prior to modeling by performing three steps:

  • Add 2kb regions around annotated transcription start sites
  • Cut large prelim regions into equal-size regions less than 10kb.
  • Filter out regions that have less than 5 unique reads, as determined with bedtools coverage

Before final model output, all modeled output regions are also filtered for coverage using the same metric. This outputs an additional coverage filtered bedfile.

Split Model Run

--tfit_split_model runs the Tfit model module in an optimized way. It must be used with --prelim_process=true (default behavior).

This flag runs two separate instances of the Tfit model module, specifying the model to look for up to two bidirectionals (k=2) in prelim regions <5kb in length and to look for up to five bidirectionals (k=5) in prelim regions from 5-10kb in length. Without this option (using either the --tfit or --tfit_model) flags, a single instance of the model module is called with a blanket k=5.

Please be aware that the Tfit model module may take a long time to run (5-70 hrs on mammalian datasets, depending on dataset complexity), regardless of which flag is used. The split modeling process may take less walltime, but may use as many resources due to two parallel modeling processes.

dREG options

dREG (see is run according to specifications from the Danko lab.

By default, dREG outputs undergo a coverage filtering step identical to that performed on Tfit outputs (see above). This coverage filtering process can be run on existing dREG results using the --dreg_results flag to specify paths for output files.


  • Rutendo Sigauke (): Nextflow base code and pipeline implementation
  • Lynn Sanford (@lynn-sanford): Nextflow pipeline implementation and optimization


Nextflow pipeline for detecting bidirectional transcripts from nascent RNA sequencing data.







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