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This repository contains various general use python tools split into different modules.



This module defines filters for data processing. This module requires Numpy.

Class Filter1D

This class defines a one dimensional (1D) filter useful for real-time smoothing of time series data such as sensor signals. The filter stores a certain number of data points defined by the maxSize argument passed to the Filter1D() contructor. As new data is added with the .addDataPoint() method, older data is eliminated so that the number of data points remains constant. Mean and median values of the last n data points in the filter can be obtained with the .getMean(windowSize) and .getMedian(windoSize) methods where n is defined by the windoSize argument.

  • Filter1D(maxSize=3)
    Class constructor. maxSize argument defines the size (number of data points) of the signal to be kept. maxSize must be an odd integer >= 3. If maxSize is not defined, it is by default set to 3.

  • .addDataPoint(dataPoint)
    Adds new data point(s) to the data array. If the data array size exceeds the maxSize attribute, the older data points will be trimmed from the array (left trim). dataPoint can be a single point, a list or a Numpy one dimensional ndarray.

  • .getData()
    Returns the complete data array as a Numpy one dimensional ndarray.

  • .getLast()
    Returns the last (most recent) data point from the data array.

  • .getMean(windowSize=0)
    Returns the mean of the last n points from the data array where n is defined by the windowSize argument. If windowSize is not specified, is set to 0 or is greater than maxSize, windowSize will be automatically set to maxSize and the mean of the entire data array will be returned.

  • .getMedian(windowSize=0)
    Returns the median of the last n points from the data array where n equals windowSize. windowSize must be an odd integer. If windowSize is not specified or is set to 0, windowSize will be automatically set to maxSize and the median of the entire data array will be returned.


This module defines various useful functions.

  • .constrain(value, min, max)
    Returns the value argument constrained within the range defined by the min and max arguments. If value is within min and max, it will be returned without modification. If value is smaller than min or greater than max the returned value will equal min or max respectively.


This module defines a simple Proportional - Integral - Derivative (PID) controller with different time step calculation methods. This is a python implementation of my Arduino TimedPID library which can be found at or thru the Arduino Library Manager.

The controller features three options for time step calculation (the time step is used for integral and derivative error terms calculation):

  1. Non-specified (unit) time step (.getCmd() method)
  2. Auto time step calculation (uses time between calls to .getCmdAutoStep() method)
  3. Defined time step (passed as argument to .getCmdStep() method)

Class TimedPID

  • TimedPID(kp=1.0, ki=0.0, kd=0.0)
    Constructor: kp, ki and kd are the proportional, integral and derivative gains respectively.

  • .getCmd(setPoint, procVar)
    Returns the system command. setPoint is the desired "target" value for the process variable being controlled. procVar is the current value of the process variable being controlled. This method uses unit time step for integral and derivative error terms calculation.

  • .getCmdAutoStep(setPoint, procVar)
    Similar to .getCmd() method except this method automatically calculates the time step based on the time between two calls to this method. The calculated time step is in seconds units.

  • .getCmdStep(setPoint, procVar, timeStep)
    Similar to .getCmdAutoStep() method except the time step is passed to the method via the timeStep argument. The time step can be in any units.

  • .reset()
    Resets the PID error terms. The method also resets to the current time the time variable used by the getCmdAutoStep to calculate the time step.

  • .setCmdRange(cmdMin, cmdMax)
    Sets the min and max command values that can be returned by the .getCmd(), .getCmdAutoStep() and .getCmdStep() methods to the range defined by the arguments cmdMin and cmdMax. Unless this method is called, the command range will not be limited.

  • .setGains(kp=1.0, ki=0.0, kd=0.0)
    Sets the PID controller gains. kp, ki and kd are the proportional, integral and derivative gains respectively.


This module defines a multi-purpose timer class. It can be used to measure elapsed time, manage time steps in loops, control execution times, etc. This module uses the Python time module and all time values are in seconds units.

Class Timer

  • Timer()
    Constructor, starts the timer at instantiation.

  • .getElapsed()
    Returns the time elapsed since instantiation or last reset, minus the sum of paused time.

  • .isWithin(delay)
    Returns True if elapsed time is within (less than) delay argument, False otherwise. This method is useful to control execution of while loops for a fixed time duration as shown in the example below:

    t = Timer()
    while t.isWithin(5):
      # Code here will execute until 5 seconds have passed since
      # instantiation of t.
  • .pause()
    Pauses the timer.

  • .reset()
    Resets the timer initial time to the current time.

  • .resume()
    Resumes the timer following call to .pause() method.

  • sleepToElapsed(delay, reset=True)
    Sleeps until elapsed time reaches the time specified by the delay argument. If reset argument is set to True (default), the timer will also be reset. This method is useful to control fixed time steps in loops as shown in the example below:

    t = Timer()
    while True:
        # Code to be executed
        # ...
        # Wait until a time step of 0.1 second is reached. This ensures the
        # loop will execute at fixed time steps, regardless of the code
        # execution time, provided it does not exceed the specified delay value.


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