Apache ECharts + python magic
!git clone https://github.com/DrPenknife/pybars.git
import sqlite3
import pybars.charts as charts
con = sqlite3.connect("example.db")
In Jupyter use annotation to turn a query into a graph
%%sql show=graph type=bar itemBorderRadius=10 stack=yes width=600 height=480 fontSize=13
with stats(cat,rating,votes) as (
select 1, "bad", ABS(RANDOM() % 70) + 30
union all
select 1, "good", ABS(RANDOM() % 70) + 30
union all
select cat+1, rating, ABS(RANDOM() % 70) + 30 from stats limit 10
select "Category_" || cat as x, rating as color, votes as y from stats
order by 1 desc
%%sql show=graph type=pie itemBorderRadius=10 stack=yes width=600 height=480 fontSize=14
with stats(cat,rating,votes) as (
select 1, "bad", ABS(RANDOM() % 70) + 30
union all
select 1, "good", ABS(RANDOM() % 70) + 30
select rating as x , "color", votes as y from stats
order by 1 desc