- Denodo Docker + Java 8 JDK + Maven 3.5 + Python 3.5 + Gradle + X11 (display GUI)
By using this image, you agree the Oracle Java JDK License. This image contains Oracle JDK 8. You must accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE to use this image.
- Denodo Docker
- java version "1.8.0_191" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
- Apache Maven 3.5.3
- Python 3.5.2
- X11 display desktop
- Other tools: git wget unzip vim python python-setuptools python-dev python-numpy
You need two files to build and, after successful build, then you can launch Denodo Desktop.
- "Denodo Express Installer (generic) zip" file by downloading from https://community.denodo.com/express/download/
(be careful 7.0 not 7_0 for filename)
- "Denodo Express Free License" file from your free Denodo's account by sign in onto you free Denodo account and save your license as the file name below:
(be careful 7.0 not 7_0 for filename)
- (Note: this image will be 5.1 GB - huge!)
- Once you have the above two files, you can build the image.
- During the build, it will install Denodo Express -- this might take about 15 ~ 20 minutes
- Once the above build is done, you can run Denodo now using the command below.
If you run "./run.sh" instead of "docker-compose up", you don't have to do anything as below.
- The container uses a default "/workspace" folder.
- The script "./run.sh" will re-use or create the local folder in your $HOME directory with the path below to map into the docker's internal "/workspace" folder.
The above configuration will ensure all your projects created in the container's "/workspace" being "persistent" in your local folder, "$HOME/data_docker/denodo-docker/workspace", for your repetitive restart docker container.
- openkbs/docker-atom-editor
- openkbs/eclipse-photon-docker
- openkbs/intellj-docker
- openkbs/netbeans9-docker
- openkbs/netbeans
- openkbs/papyrus-sysml-docker
- openkbs/pycharm-docker
- openkbs/scala-ide-docker
- openkbs/sublime-docker
- openkbs/webstorm-docker
- JBoss Tools Integration Stacks 4.6.0.Final
- Containerize Teiid linked with MariaDB
- Teiid Downloads
- Teiid Designer 11.1 with Eclipse Oxygen
- Teiid Cloud - Data Virtualization Services
- Deploying Teiid VDB
- JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.6.0.Final
More resource in X11 display of Eclipse on your host machine's OS, please see
You might see the warning message or something similar in the launching xterm console like below, you can just ignore it. I googled around and some blogs just suggested to ignore since the IDE is still functional ok.
** (eclipse:1): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-wrKH8o5rny: Connection refused
** (java:7): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-wrKH8o5rny: Connection refused