No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Changes needed specifically for the app
this change is about fight/class/event balancing
A lot of work is needed to implement this
we could not reproduce the bug/problem
Changes in the way a command work
Changes in the core folder
Pull requests that update a dependency file
task related to deployement or tests
Stuff that is specific to the interactions with discord
This issue or pull request already exists
New event or fixes on an event file
Extra attention is needed
New item(s) or item(s) modified
Legal related stuff (tos/ privacypolicy...)
This is not a bug and should not have been reported
Change that will not impact players in game
removing or updating obsolete content
No visible changes but code improved
This can be done by collaborator that does not code a lot
There is a typo mistake or a small visual glitch
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.