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Weewx driver for WeatherLinkLive module with VP2 including archive from when data be lost.


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Driver to make request to WeatherLinkLive module including archive from when data be lost on Weewx. Work only with Python3 and higher.


  • Download the latest release of WLLDriver :
  • Install the driver : wee_extension --install
  • Install require libs Python : pip3 install requests
  • Find on weewx.conf station_type and change by this : station_type = WLLDriver
  • If you want to retrieve new data when the driver fail, set loop_on_init = True on weewx.conf
  • Restart weewx : service weewx restart

Accumulator for rainRate

When install the driver, a parameter is write to the weewx.conf :

        extractor = max

Not delete this because this allow the driver to set the correct rainRate max each archive interval of Weewx.

Configuration on Weewx

After installing driver, a new stanza appear at the end of the file weewx.conf.

The correct syntax for set a parameter is : blabla = 1

Default setting needed to run the driver

  • max_tries - Max tries before Weewx raise an exception and finished the loop.
  • retry_wait - Time to retry in second between each.
  • poll_interval - Time to sleep in second between 2 requests.
  • realtime_enable - Enable realtime each 3 secondes for Wind and Rain.
  • hostname - Set your IP or hostname of WLL module.
  • time_out - Set this for timeout in second of HTTP and realtime request.
  • device_id - Set the ID of your ISS that you've configured on the WLL Module.
  • wl_archive_enable - Enable retrieve data from

NB : For the driver work good, set retry_wait = 2 x poll_interval. In this case, the driver do not sent a lot of requests.
To calculate the time after the driver raise en exception and stop Weewx, do max_tries x retry_wait

Realtime for wind and rain

/!\ Realtime not work if Weewx is out of your lan network.

With the WLLDriver, you can enable realtime to retrieve data from wind and rain sensors each 2.5s.
If you have enabled realtime_enable = 1, please note that all others sensors would be reach each poll_interval
So, make sur that poll_interval has a number wich is more than 2 * 2.5s. For better use, set poll_interval = 10
The temperature or barometer for example does not vary greatly.

Retrieve data from

If you want to use to retrieve lost data when Weewx crash for example,
you have to create an API Key :

Enable the feature wl_archive_enable = 1 and set parameters on weewx.conf in [WLLDriver] :

  • wl_apikey - Create an API Key on your Weatherlink account.
  • wl_apisecret - By creating API Key, you've also need an API Secret.
  • wl_stationid - Check your station ID by using the method explain before.
  • wl_archive_interval - Be carefull by set this because it depending on your subscription on For better use, please set the same archive interval than the Weewx engine.

Add extra sensor or deported sensor

WLLDriver support at the moment only 5 extraTemp, 5 extraHumid or 1 Wind deported.

Correct syntax is device:id_of_device where :

  • device is the sensor
  • id_of_device is the id that you've set when you configure the sensor with the WLL module
Sensor Type
iss Set the ISS
extraTempX Set an extra temperature sensor with X is the number
extraHumidX Set an extra humidity sensor with X is the number
extraAnemometer Set a deported anemometer if it's not connected to the ISS

/!\ ISS and ID must be put first on device_id.
/!\ When adding sensors, make sur that schema is correct on Weewx. If not, please add a schema by following this tutorial :

If you want to enable for example an extra temp sensor, set like this : device_id = iss:1-extraTemp1:2
You can ajust and add more extra sensors like this : device_id = iss:1-extraTemp1:2-extraTemp2:4-extraHumid1:7
Each parameter is separated by -

Wind gust 2min

/!\ Not supported if realtime is enabled.

Weatherlink Live module can calculate wind gust each 2min instead of 10min by default.
To enable this, set this parameter on [WLLDriver] : wind_gust_2min_enable = 1

Change HTTP port

You can change the default port 80 to set a new port to request to the WLL module. To change to 8080 for example, set this parameter on [WLLDriver] : port = 8080

Health status of ISS & WLL

/!\ If you disable wl_archive_enable = 0, you will not have the health status.

WLLDriver recuperate value for health ISS and WLL module each 15 minutes on :

Parameter Type
txBatteryStatus Transmitter battery
rxCheckPercent Signal quality
consBatteryVoltage Battery in volt of the WLL module
supplyVoltage Supply voltage of the WLL module

Default value for each parameter

Parameter Default value Min/Max
max_tries 10 0/200
retry_wait 10 0/600
poll_interval 5 0/600
realtime_enable 0 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable
time_out 10 0/15
wl_archive_enable 0 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable
device_id iss:1 Please refer to the chapter extraSensor
wl_archive_interval User need to set manually 1, 5 or 15
wind_gust_2min_enable Not set so, 0 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable
port 80 1/65535