这是一个保证NSNotification安全的小框架,能够安全的自动帮你移除监听器对象,注册监听器对象的方法和原方法类似,只需一行代码搞定,不用 再担心因忘记移除监听器而造成程序可能出现的种种问题了(The small framework which can guaranteed your nsnotification safty, can automatically help you remove the observer, the registered method is similar to the original method and only need a line of code. You do not have to worry about various problems caused by your APP because of forgetting to remove the observer)
pod 'XM_NSNotification'
#import "NSNotificationCenter+XM.h"
//remove observer before observer crash (defaullt)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] xm_addObserver:self selector:@selector(sina:) name:@"sina" object:nil];
// remove observer after receiving notification right now
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] xm_addObserver:self selector:@selector(haha:) name:@"haha" object:nil isRightNowRemove:YES];
如果这个小框架有什么问题希望大家多多批评指正,这是我的新写的博客:http://blog.csdn.net/xmios/article/details/51637074 我的邮箱:hnyxgxm2009@163.com I hope everyone can help me correct the error if there are mistakes in the small framework.This is my blog which I has writen just now.This is my email hnyxgxm2009@163.com.