DriverPack Solution — is the most popular program that makes the job of finding and automatically installing drivers a pleasure. DriverPack Software is subject to GNU GPL v2 as the end-user license (user agreement).
This software is spread for free, and is suitable both for professionals and for beginners
For free - DriverPack is spread for free, and it will remain free always;
Safe - DriverPack officially cooperates with antivirus software providers, and protects a computer;
For all devices - DriverPack possesses the largest driver database in the world, and so it can set up any computer.
DriverPack Online - Instant download, and all required drivers will be downloaded completely during installation.
DriverPack Network - It downloads quickly and at once contains the drivers for network hardware.
DriverPack Offline - It can operate without Internet connection but its size is 11.5 GB (a variant for system admins).