Deployed application:
- Main app
- MongoDB stored at Atlas
- AWS S3 for image files
- Static files provided via CDN
- Bootstrap4 and AJAX for frontend
- Clone repo at
- Configure your AWS keys at nosqldjango/
- Configure your database at DATABASES also in nosqldjango/
- Install both requirements
- Whit open ./ shell
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- User.objects.create_user(username="", first_name='Jonh', last_name="Doe", password='424242', is_staff=True)
- User.objects.create_user(username="", first_name='Jana', last_name="Doe", password="424242", is_staff=True)
- At project root run ./ test
- To run application do ./ runserver
- Users must be able to upload photos
- Open the
- Click the "Upload button"
- Choose one or more photos and confirm
- Check the preview and hit upload
- Your upload will be at administration area waiting bride and groom aprovement.
- Users must be able to filter photos by date and likes
- At
- Above the photos there you will see the filter option
- "Filter by: Likes | Date"
- There are three example pictures to test filter
- Clear button should clean the filters
- Users must be able to like photos
- Above the photos you have a like button
- When clicked it changes it's color and makes an AJAX
- to the "likes_management" API
- Somehow AJAX calls got messed when deployed at heroku.
- Thus invalidating the like feature as well as aprove photo feature
- Which uses AJAX calls as well.
- You can see the broken request being called at "Network" in the developer painel
- Bride and groom should aprove the photos
- Administration area can be accessed at
- You can choose between "" or "" to login.
- Password is 424242 for both of them.
- after login you will be able to see the pictures which were not aproved.
- As said before, features that include AJAX calls, which includes "Aprove" photos got messed after deploy.
- You can see the broken request being called at "Network" in the developer painel.
- Python3.7
- Django2.1
- Djongo (MongoDB related)
- Django Rest Framework (APIs)
- boto3 (AWS related)
- Heroku for deploy
- AWS S3 (for image storage)
- MongoDB (at Atlas server)
- Author: Lorran Rosa (
- Project repo:
- Project site:
- Models for the app can be found at galery/
- Brand new repo because AWS3 and DB keys.