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Kubernetes/Openshift Operator for managing Dynatrace OneAgent deployments


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Dynatrace OneAgent Operator

NOTE: The Dynatrace OneAgent Operator is end of life and will not be supported anymore starting 1st April 2023. Please refer to Migrating from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator.

This is the home of Dynatrace OneAgent Operator which supports the rollout and lifecycle of Dynatrace OneAgent in Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters. Rolling out Dynatrace OneAgent via DaemonSet on a cluster is straightforward. Maintaining its lifecycle places a burden on the operational team. Dynatrace OneAgent Operator closes this gap by automating the repetitive steps involved in keeping Dynatrace OneAgent at its latest desired version.


Dynatrace OneAgent Operator is based on Operator SDK and uses its framework for interacting with Kubernetes and OpenShift environments. It watches custom resources OneAgent and monitors the desired state constantly. The rollout of Dynatrace OneAgent is managed by a DaemonSet initially. From here on Dynatrace OneAgent Operator controls the lifecycle and keeps track of new versions and triggers updates if required.


Supported platforms

Depending of the version of the Dynatrace OneAgent Operator, it supports the following platforms:

Dynatrace OneAgent Operator version Kubernetes OpenShift Container Platform
master 1.19+ 3.11[1], 4.6+
v0.10.2 1.19+ 3.11[1], 4.6+
v0.9.5 1.15+ 3.11[1], 4.3+
v0.8.2 1.14+ 3.11[1], 4.1+
v0.7.1 1.14+ 3.11[1], 4.1+
v0.6.0 1.11+ 3.11+
v0.5.4 1.11+ 3.11+
v0.4.2 1.11+ 3.11+
v0.3.1 1.11-1.15 3.11+
v0.2.1 1.9-1.15 3.9+

Help topic How do I deploy Dynatrace OneAgent as a Docker container? lists compatible image and OneAgent versions in its requirements section.

Quick Start

The Dynatrace OneAgent Operator acts on its separate namespace dynatrace. It holds the operator deployment and all dependent objects like permissions, custom resources and corresponding DaemonSets. Create neccessary objects and observe its logs:


$ kubectl create namespace dynatrace
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl -n dynatrace logs -f deployment/dynatrace-oneagent-operator


Start by adding a new project as follows:

$ oc adm new-project --node-selector="" dynatrace

If you are installing the Operator on an OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 environment, in order to use the certified OneAgent Operator and OneAgent images from Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC), you need to provide image pull secrets. The Service Accounts on the openshift.yaml manifest already have links to the secrets to be created below. Skip this step if you are using OCP 4.x.

# For OCP 3.11
$ oc -n dynatrace create secret docker-registry redhat-connect --docker-username=REDHAT_CONNECT_USERNAME --docker-password=REDHAT_CONNECT_PASSWORD --docker-email=unused
$ oc -n dynatrace create secret docker-registry redhat-connect-sso --docker-username=REDHAT_CONNECT_USERNAME --docker-password=REDHAT_CONNECT_PASSWORD --docker-email=unused

For 3.11 we apply the openshift3.11.yaml manifest to deploy the Operator:

$ oc apply -f
$ oc -n dynatrace logs -f deployment/dynatrace-oneagent-operator

For 4.x we apply the openshift.yaml manifest to deploy the Operator:

$ oc apply -f
$ oc -n dynatrace logs -f deployment/dynatrace-oneagent-operator
OpenShift 3.11

If using Operator v0.7.0 or greater and OCP 3.11, OCP versions prior to 3.11.188 are suffering of a bug when validating certain CRD objects:

The CustomResourceDefinition "" is invalid: spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema: Invalid value: apiextensions.JSONSchemaProps

If you have an older OCP 3.11 version then you can remove this line from openshift.yaml (v0.7.1), and deploy it.

Create OneAgent custom resource for OneAgent rollout

The rollout of Dynatrace OneAgent is governed by a custom resource of type OneAgent:

kind: OneAgent
  # a descriptive name for this object.
  # all created child objects will be based on it.
  name: oneagent
  namespace: dynatrace
  # dynatrace api url including `/api` path at the end
  # disable certificate validation checks for installer download and API communication
  skipCertCheck: false
  # name of secret holding `apiToken` and `paasToken`
  # if unset, name of custom resource is used
  tokens: ""
  # (optional)
    - effect: NoSchedule
      operator: Exists

This is the most basic configuration for the OneAgent object. In case you want to have adjustments please have a look at our OneAgent Custom Resource example. Save this to cr.yaml and apply it to your cluster. A secret holding tokens for authenticating to the Dynatrace cluster needs to be created upfront. Create access tokens of type Dynatrace API and Platform as a Service and use its values in the following commands respectively. For assistance please refere to Create user-generated access tokens.

For Openshift, you can change the image from the default available on to the one certified on RHCC by setting .spec.image to in the custom resource.

Note: .spec.tokens denotes the name of the secret holding access tokens. If not specified OneAgent Operator searches for a secret called like the OneAgent custom resource (

$ kubectl -n dynatrace create secret generic oneagent --from-literal="apiToken=DYNATRACE_API_TOKEN" --from-literal="paasToken=PLATFORM_AS_A_SERVICE_TOKEN"
$ kubectl apply -f cr.yaml
$ oc -n dynatrace create secret generic oneagent --from-literal="apiToken=DYNATRACE_API_TOKEN" --from-literal="paasToken=PLATFORM_AS_A_SERVICE_TOKEN"
$ oc apply -f cr.yaml

Uninstall dynatrace-oneagent-operator

Remove OneAgent custom resources and clean-up all remaining OneAgent Operator specific objects:


$ kubectl delete -n dynatrace oneagent --all
$ kubectl delete -f


$ oc delete -n dynatrace oneagent --all
$ oc delete -f


See HACKING for details on how to get started enhancing Dynatrace OneAgent Operator.


See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting changes.


Dynatrace OneAgent Operator is under Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.