🔬 Smart app that allows you to analyze text. 📄
This document will provide you with a brief overview of the application and its functionalities, as well as instructions for installation and usage.
- DEMO Video : https://youtu.be/IEYMgwdf7-U
The apps porpuse is to analyze your text by analyzing its sentiment , key words and summarizeation tool .
This app is desinged in microservices type of architecture.
- Backend : 'fastAPI' + 'Pydantic' + ML Models (Dockerized)
- QA and Testing :
-Tests : 'unittest' and 'fastapi.testclient'
-Logs : 'logging'
- Frontend : 'streamlit' + 'requests' (Dockerized)
First, clone the repo :
git clone https://github.com/EASS-HIT-PART-A-2022-CLASS-III/sentiment-analyzer.git
Navigate to main folder and run :
docker-compose up
To run backend , navigate to backend folder and run :
docker build -t my_docker .
docker run -p 8000:8000 -it my_docker
To run frontend , navigate to frontend folder and run :
#docker build -t my_front .
#docker run -p 8501:8501 -it my_front
Any advise for common problems or issues.