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Ultimate DRv3 Toolset

Tools I'm using to translate the game to spanish

Translation Pipeline

  • Extract the .stx files (dialogues) from the .spc file
  • Convert (and translate) the .stx files into .json files
  • Merge all the .json files (and correct the translations)
  • Convert back the .json files to .stx
  • Pack everything back into a new .spc file


Extract text:

Put the chapter's .spc into pipeline/0_input_SPC, then run py transIN <file name> to get a json file with the text in pipeline/3_merged_texts. You can replace the texts in the "es" section (as it was initialy meant for a spanish translation).

Repack text:

Once you edit that json, run py transOUT <file name> to get the patched SPC in 5_output_SPC.

Font Patcher

Fonts are split in 2 files: a .srd with character data (misnamed as .stx for some reason) and a .srdv with the glyph texture data.

Right now it's just a set of scripts I call as needed, the output folders are hardcoded and so on. As I'm too lazy to refactor and generalize the code, let me just explain the process:

  • Create a base.srd file with the characters bitflags and offsets you want (1st and 2nd table of the .srd)
  • Create the font's .png, srdv and fill base's 3rd table with char bounding boxes (BBs)
  • If the character is not in the target font, you'll get an [ERROR].png highlighting the missing chars and a text file with all the character BBs
  • Finally, by replacing the [ERROR] images with [FIX] and readjusting the char BBs as needed, you can patch the missing fonts


The new charset cannot be longer than the one in the base file.

This can be solved by using another base file with more chars or by updating the data offsets and lengths that would be affected by increasing its size. (not implemented atm)


Generate Base file:

Put the .stx you want to copy (for example, I used v3_font01_8.srd) inside font_patcher/pipeline and edit the charset inside, then run py fontBASE <file name>.

Generate SRD from font:

Put the font you want inside font_patcher/fonts, then run py fontGEN <font name>. If the font contains all the characters from the charset, it should generate both .srd and .srdv files. Otherwise, you'll get an [ERROR].png and a [BB].txt so you will have to run the next command.

Patch missing font (not ported yet)

Edit the [ERROR].png texture with the glyphs you want and rename it to [FIX].png,also update their bounding boxes in the [BB].txt file. Then run py fontPATCH <file name>

Bulk commands

I added some experimental commands to generate .srd's for all the fonts used in the game, you can find them in /font_patcher/files/fontnames FR.txt.

  • py fontsA generates the SRD for all of them.
  • py fontsB patches and packs everything back into .SPC files. (NOTE: the output .SPC's crashed my game, but manually inserting the .stx and .srdv into the existing .SPC's worked, so my .spc repack sucks :P)

Inspired by these tools





Special thanks to yukinogatari and CaptainSwag for discovering, sharing and documenting the different file formats


Tools I made to translate Danganronpa V3 to spanish




