All the files related to my 8-Bit computer in an FPGA build.
Here you can find: Quartus design files for the 8-Bit computer, software for the Arduino programmer, software for the Arduino binary to decimal display, PC software for controlling the Arduino Programmer(see "AsmIDE" folder for source code, see "AsmIDE Release" for the precompiled app)
For more information about the project see my blog posts on:
8-Bit Computer Overview:
8-Bit Arduino Programmer and the AsmIDE:
Note: The code and electronics circuitry in this project might not always follow/adhere to all the best engineering practices, design patterns and principles. Some stuff was just quickly prototyped and put together to get the job done. For example, the AsmIDE isn't using a responsive layout(as I didn't see the need for it), ...