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  • Readme and example updated.
  • Additional (simplified) version to use the on()-method to subscribe to topics.

Arduino ESP8266/ESP32 Client for MQTT using PubSubClient-Library

This library provides a client for doing simple publish/subscribe messaging with a server that supports MQTT. It wraps the functionality of the PubSubClient-Library by deriving a wrapper class from PubSubClient class.

The main additions to the base class are:

  • the on()-method that allows a link of a specific topic to a specific callback (i. e. yoy no longer have to parse the incoming topics to link them to specific actions in your sketch).
  • The connection/reconnection is handled whithin the loop() method. That means you no longer need to wait for WiFi-layer to be established before connecting to the MQTT-Server or subscribing to topics.

Basic usage and deviations to PubSubClient

  • Instead of "PubSubClient.h" include "ESPPubSubClientWrapper.h"
  • Instead of class PubSubClient instantiate a client Object from class ESPPubSubClientWrapper
  • There are only two ways of constructing an ESPPubSubClientWrapper object:
    • ESPPubSubClientWrapper clientName(const char *domain, uint16_t port) to domain name of host as in i. e. ""
    • ESPPubSubClientWrapper(uint8_t *ipaddr, uint16_t port) to specify the IP4-address of the host as in i. e. {192, 168, 4, 1}
    • in both cases the parameter port can be omitted and defaults to 1883.
  • The methods setServer(), setClient() and setStream() must not be used.
  • The methods setCallback() and subscribe() can be used as usual, but using the method on() is often the better choice as it allows a direct link of a specific topic to a specific callback.
  • You can use callbacks to be informed on certain connection events:
    • ESPPubSubClientWrapper& onConnect(std::function<void(uint16_t)> connectCallback): void connectCallback(uint16_t count) is called upon successful connect. Parameter count is zero for first successful connection and increased for each reconnect.
    • ESPPubSubClientWrapper& onDisconnect(std::function<void(uint16_t)> disconnectCallback): void disconnectCallback(uint16_t count) is called if connection to MQTT server is lost. Parameter count is One on first disconnect and will be increased for each further disconnect.
    • ESPPubSubClientWrapper& onConnectFail(std::function<bool(uint16_t)> connectFailCallback): bool connectFailCallback(uint16_t count) is called if connection to MQTT server can not be established even if WiFi is working. Parameter count is One on first fail and will be increased for each further fail. If the callback returns true (or is not set at all) a next connection attempt will be made after a 5 seconds timeout.
  • loop() always returns true. Use the three callbacks above or call connected() to evaluate the state of MQTT connection.
  • It is not necessary to call any connect() method. In that case connection will be done with random client-id.
  • A call to any connect() method will not actually connect but just set the parameters for later connection attempt.
  • The connection attempt will be made during the loop() method once the WiFi-connection is established (i. e. no need to wait for the WiFi connection to be established before connecting the MQTT-client).
  • If connection is lost it will automatically being reestablished during loop() including all subscriptions made by using either the on() or subscribe() method.

Improved callback handling

By default, you can use only one central callback to react on incoming messages using the subscribe() method. If you subscribe to multiple topics, you have to check each incoming topic and select the appropriate reaction. This is simpilfied with the new on()-methods, which allow to link seperate callback functions to different topics.

There are two variants of the on()-method:

  • In the first variant, the API for the method on() is equivalent to the subscribe() method. The parameters are the same: ESPPubSubClientWrapper& on(const char* topic, MQTT_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE, uint8_t qos = 0);

    • in this case the callback needs to be a function as defined by MQTT_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE, which is a function of type void callback(char *topic, uint8_t* payload, unsigned int payloadLen);
  • As with MQTT the payload usally is plain text, that can be simplified by using the second variant for which the API is defined as ESPPubSubClientWrapper& on(const char* topic, MQTT_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE2, uint8_t qos = 0);

    • in this case the callback needs to be a function as defined by MQTT_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE2, which is a function of type void callback(char *topic, char* payload);
    • if no payload was sent with the message, payload will be equal to NULL, otherwise payload will be a standard char * (with terminating 0)

The following will apply for either variant:

  • the return value (which can be ignored) is a reference to the calling object thus allowing to chain multiple calls to on().
  • The topics used for calling on() can include the MQTT-Wildcards # and +.
  • There is no fixed limit on subscriptions that can be made using on(). In practice the number is limited by available memory (RAM), as the topic for each subscriptions has to be stored as RAM copy.
  • It is possible that an incoming topic matches to more than one callback. Consider as example client.on("test/#", callback1);client.on("#", callback2);. The second topic subscription matches also topics that match the first call to on(). In that case not all matching callbacks fire but the order of subscription is relevant. In the given example, each incoming message that matches "test/#" will fire callback1() while all other topics are matched to callback2().
  • The pointer to the payload is only valid during the callback. If you want to use it outside the scope of the callback function, you have to create a local copy for the application (same as for the subscribe()-method)

Minimalistic Example

The following is a minimalistic example (for ESP8266). In this example two subscriptions are made to the topics "hello" and "world". If message "hello" is received the function callbackHello() will be called, if "world" is received callbackWorld() will be called.

callbackHello() uses the simplified API (the payload is a zero-terminated char string) callbackWorld() uses the standard approach with payload being represented by an uint8_t array and the payload length as additional parameter.

The functionality is the same in both cases (payload will be echoed to Serial monitor).

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESPPubSubClientWrapper.h>

const char* ssid = "..........";				// Put your WiFi credentials here
const char* password = "..........";
const char* mqtt_server = "";

ESPPubSubClientWrapper client(mqtt_server);

This function will be called if topic "hello" is received on MQTT and echo the payload on Serial monitor.
It uses the simplified API with payload being converted to a 0 terminated char pointer (or NULL if no payload was sent)
void callbackHello(char* topic, char * payload) {
  Serial.println("\r\nMessage ""hello"" received");
  if (payload)
    Serial.printf("Payload-len=%d, Payload=\"%s\"\r\n", strlen(payload), payload);
    Serial.println("Payload is NULL.");

This function will be called if topic "world" is received on MQTT and echo the payload on Serial monitor.
It uses the default API with payload as uint_8-array with valid length given by payloadLen (0, if no payload was sent)
void callbackWorld(char* topic, uint8_t* payload, unsigned int payloadLen) {
  Serial.println("\r\nMessage ""world"" received");
  if (payload)
    char s[payloadLen + 1];
    memcpy(s, payload, payloadLen);
    s[payloadLen] = '\0';
    Serial.printf("Payload-len=%d, Payload=\"%s\"\r\n", payloadLen, s);
    Serial.println("Payload is NULL.");


void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  client.on("hello", callbackHello);
  client.on("world", callbackWorld);  

void loop() {


  • Usual limitations of PubSubClient library apply.
  • Do not use the set-methods established by base class except setCallback(). I. e. do not use
    • PubSubClient& setServer(uint8_t * ip, uint16_t port);
    • PubSubClient& setServer(const char * domain, uint16_t port);
    • PubSubClient& setClient(Client& client);
    • PubSubClient& setStream(Stream& stream);

Compatible Hardware

  • ESP8266
  • ESP32


This code is released under the MIT License.