This repository contains Jupyter notebooks used for the EMODnet Biology session of the webinar on data for the UN Ocean Decade – A European focus on 15 January 2025. These notebooks aim to show how data from EMODnet Biology an contribute to the UN Ocean Decade goals with focus on the Challenge 3 and Challenge 4, related to food security and ocean economy respectively
The notebooks provide practical demonstrations on how to access and use relevant EMODnet Biology Data and Data Products, showcasing commercial fishes distributions and marine mammals as examples of data and data products addresing Challenges 3 and 4.
This repository is compatible with binder. You can run a JupyterLab instance in your browser with already all the software requirements pre-installed for you
The notebooks are in the 📁 folder: ./notebooks/
If you use docker, you can build and run the container:
docker build -t emodnetbio-unwebinar .
docker run --rm -ti -p 8888:8888 emodnetbio-unwebinar
Alternatively, if you want to run these notebooks in your own machine you will need:
- Jupyter notebooks or Visual Studio Code
- R v4.0 or higher
- IRkernel to run R using Jupyter notebooks.
- Download this repository and install the necessary R packages indicated at the file