Demo showing how to turn a data frame with biological presences and absences into a four dimensional array and save in a NetCDF file using the R programming language.
Workarounds for when the data is too large to be read into memory at once are shown.
The demo can be read online as a HTML document at:
If you clone this repository, you can read the demo from: ./demo/demo.Rmd
If you don't want to download the repository, you can run the demo in a RStudio session that will open in your browser using binder in this link:
To render the html document do:
rmarkdown::render(input = "./demo/demo.Rmd", knit_root_dir = getwd(), output_file = "index.html", output_dir = "./docs/")
Fernández-Bejarano, Salvador (2022). Create a EMODnet-Biology data product as NetCDF. Consulted online at on YYYY-MM-DD.