A web app for generating photo-realistic Super-Resolution Images/Videos based on SRGAN.
Try the demo.
Due to the hardware limitation of the server, the online version of the appliction can only process images with size smaller than 240 x 240.
If you want to test on larger images, please download the app and run it on your local machine.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:ENGI9805-COMPUTER-VISION/Term-Project.git
cd into the project root folder
cd Term-Project
Create a conda virtual environment
conda create -n srgan_env python=3.6.8
and activate environment
conda activate srgan_env
Then you need to install the project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
streamlit run app.py
- netG epoch 100 upscale factor 2
- netG epoch 100 upscale factor 4
- netG epoch 100 upscale factor 8
- Build the program
- Machine learning resource management
- Data ingestion and collection (Jason)
- Setup & configure cloud computing environment for GPU training (Jason)
- Model training (Jason, Luo)
- Integrating trained model with web app(Ian)
- Process Single Video (Ian)
- Add statistic terms definition
- Fix png file alpha channel error
- Fix Show Benchmark Datasets error
- Refactor code and add comments
- Deploy working demo on Heroku platform
- Add startup file (Jason)
- Inject necessary dependencies (Jason)
- Fix deployment error (Jason)
- Add Image size check
- Write project report
- Choose a suitable template and fine-tune the layout & style (Jason)
- Abstract (Jason)
- Introduction (Jason)
- Problem definition (Luo)
- Proposed solution (Ian)
- Results and discussion (Jason & Luo)
- Conclusion (Ian)
- Reference (Jason)
- Proof read (Jason)
- Write presentation slides
- Choose a suitable template and fine-tune the layout & style (Jason)
- Background & Motivation (Jason)
- Our Solution (Ian)
- Result (Jason)
- Demo (Jason)
- Conclusion & Futrue Work (Jason)
- References (Jason)
- Record presentation video
- Background & Motivation (Jason)
- Our Solution (Ian)
- Result (Jason)
- Demo (Ian)
- Conclusion & Futrue Work (Jason)
- References (Jason)
- Video Editing (Luo)