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Whats New

Jan Källman edited this page Aug 22, 2024 · 34 revisions

What is new in EPPlus version 5+

For more details see our feature page at our web site,

Formula calculation supporting array formulas

VBA Signatures

  • Newer VBA signatures, EPPlus now supports the Legacy, Agile and V3 signatures.
  • Possibility to set the Hash Algorithm - MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512.

System.Drawing.Common dependency removed (non-Windows)

  • From EPPlus 6 EPPlus will use internal functionality that replaces System.Drawing.Common/libgdiplus on non windows platforms.
  • Export html/css from worksheet ranges and tables
  • Export json data from worksheet ranges and tables

Filter support

  • Value filters
  • Date group filters
  • Custom filters
  • Top 10 filters
  • Dynamic filters

Extended support for Pivot tables



Async support

  • Several new async functions
    • ExcelPackage.SaveAsync
    • ExcelPackage.SaveAsAsync
    • ExcelPackage.GetAsByteArrayAsync
    • ExcelPackage.LoadAsync
    • ExcelRange.LoadFromDataReaderAsync
    • ExcelRange.LoadFromTextAsync

Theme support

  • Creating and modifying theme properties.
  • Loading and applying theme files (.thmx)

Drawing enhancements

  • New ColorManger, that adds support for theme colors, HSL colors, preset colors, rgb colors, rgb percentage colors and system colors. Also adds support for color transformations with effects like alpha, shade, hsl, rgb and more.
  • New FillManager to support solid fills, gradient fills, pattern fills and blip fills.
  • Support for numerous effects and 3D styling for drawing objects.
  • Applying predefined glow, reflection, shadow and 3d effects

Chart enhancments

  • Support for all Excel 2019 chart types, with 12 new types from EPPlus 5.2:
    • Four types of stock charts: High-Low-Close, Open-High-Low-Close, Volume-High-Low-Close and Volume-Open-High-Low-Close
    • Sunburst Chart
    • Treemap Chart
    • Histogram Chart
    • Pareto Chart
    • Funnel Chart
    • Waterfall Chart
    • Box & Whiskter Chart
    • Region Map Chart.
  • New chart StyleManager to support over 100 Excel build-in style for all EPPlus supported chart types
  • Loading and applying chart templates files (.crtx).
  • Loading and applying chart style xml and color xml (can be extracted from a .xlsx package).
  • New typed methods to add charts to the drawings collection. For example, AddPieChart or AddLineChart.
  • New typed Series collection to more easily access chart specific typed series.
  • Errorbars, High-Low lines, Drop lines and Up/Down bars
  • New As property to the Drawing, ConditionalFormatting and Datavalidation objects for easier type cast. For example var sunburstChart = worksheet.Drawings[0].As.Chart.SunburstChart; or var listDv = sheet.DataValidations.First().As.ListValidation;

Ignore Errors

  • Support for ignoring errors on cell ranges

Threaded Comments

External links


Formula calculation

Form controls

Creating custom named table styles

  • Create custom styles that can be applied to tables, pivot table or both from scratch or use a build in style as template.
  • Create custom styles for slicers from scratch or use a build in style as template.
  • See this wiki page

EPPlus wiki


Worksheet & Ranges


Import/Export data

Formulas and filters

Charts & Drawing objects

Tables & Pivot Tables

VBA & Protection

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