This is where I collect the resources I use myself for teaching.
Not much here at the moment, but I suppose it's a place to grow.
Currently preparing a workshop on Collaborative writing with papaja in R, to be held in late february. Materials in this folder, as they are developed. (Update: This workshop was held, and turned out to be a lot of fun! I intend to clean up the materials in this folder as soon as I find the time, so they are more easy to re-use for another workshop, either held by me or someone else.)
My methods lectures have so far been done mostly in Keynote, so they're not here. I have, however, recorded my "Basic descriptive statistics" lectures, so those videos are here (in norwegian). Also, as part of those lectures I have wanted to explain a few things interactively, so I have made tiny Shiny apps for that purpose:
The central limit theorem, illustrated by throwing dice. You'll find the source code here, and you can check it out live here
As an intro to linear regression, I wanted to make sure everybody was onboard with the concept of two parameters defining a straight line. The code is here, and you can find the app here.
This is to demo different correlation strengths, to get a feel for how the scatterplots look at different values of r, and how outliers affect that relationship. Source code here and the app is here.
I held a 3-hour "Intro to R" workshop. The materials I used is in this folder. Everything is in norwegian. So far I have just dumped everything I used in that folder, and it is not necessarily self-explanatory or suited for use by anyone else. However, if the opportunity arises to hold the workshop again and I need to update the materials, I'll do so with reusability, not necessarily by me, in mind.
I was asked to make a video to demo JASP and Jamovi, to students and researchers who might consider switching from SPSS. That video is here (in norwegian).
After this I wanted to make a similar video to demo Zotero, to encourage students and researchers to start using it, and perhaps make the switch from Endnote. That video is here (in norwegian).