The ESGF Compute end-user API provides an object-oriented climatology package to access large scale computational resources through the Web Processing Service interface standard.
Supported WPS version: 1.0.0
Documentation can be found on here.
Conda is the preferred method of install.
conda install -c conda-forge -c cdat esgf-compute-api
or can be installed from source.
git clone
cd esgf-compute-api
python install
import cwt
# Create a variable from an OpenDAP url and the name of the variable.
tas = cwt.Variable('...', var_name='...')
# Initialize the client with the url to the WPS endpoint and the Token/API key.
wps = cwt.WPSClient('http://.../wps', compute_token='...')
# Select the process to execut.
process = wps.CDAT.subset(tas)
# Execut the process.
# Wait for the process to complete, this will print status message to the console.
# Prints the output of the process which is either an instance of cwt.Variable, a list of cwt.Variable or a dict.
Descriptions of authentication methods can be found here
Jupyter Notebook cotnaining examples can be found here
Compatibility document can be found on here