In this repository we try to combine all HMS Ionic/Cordova Kits in one Project!
Ionic HMS packages integrated in this project :
HMS / GMS Availability Checker.
HMS Location Kit.
Huawei Web Map.
HMS Push Kit.
Huawei Analytics Kit.
Huawei Account Kit.
HMS Site Kit.
HMS In App Purchase Kit. (Coming Soon)
For testing of ionic project, please donwload the apk file.
npm install plugman -g
plugman create --name CordovaHMSPushPlugin --plugin_id com.huawei.cordovahmspushplugin --plugin_version 1.0.0
plugman platform add --platform_name android
plugman createpackagejson
cordova plugin add ./CordovaPuligns/CordovaHMSPushPlugin/ --link
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\CordovaHMSGMSCheckPlugin
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\CordovaHMSLocationPlugin
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\cordovaHmsPushPlugin
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\CordovaHMSAccountPlugin
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\HMSAnalyticsPlugin
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\cordova-plugin-hms-site
cordova plugin add .\CordovaHMSPlugin\cordova-plugin-hms-ads
cordova plugin remove com.huawei.cordovahmsgmscheckplugin
cordova plugin remove com.huawei.cordovahmspushplugin
cordova plugin remove com.huawei.analyticsplugin
cordova plugin remove com.huawei.cordovahmsaccountplugin
cordova plugin remove com.huawei.cordovahmslocationplugin
cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-hms-site
cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-hms-ads
ionic cordova run android --release -- --buildConfig=build.json
ionic cordova run android --debug -- --buildConfig=build.json
adb shell setprop <YOUR-PACKAGE-NAME>
shell setprop .none.
Supporting Language (Java, C#, Python, GoLang, PHP, Node.js)
This article and repository will update frequently upon new HMS Kits compatibility with Ionic framework.
This article and repository will be helpful for developers as a kick-start project. Developers can check the project configuration and code and make similar changes in your Ionic project to quickly get up and running for HMS solution.