Collection of Matlab scripts to import, analyze and plot GEOtop model output files
In this repository ase saved several Matlab Scripts to import 1D point output from GEOtop 2.0 model and plot it in Matlab.
The main script to load GEOtop timeseries data is:
loads GEOTOP GEOtop 2.0 temporal inputs/outputs
it pareses the geotop.inpts file and then imports the timeseries output files
Copyright, 2017 Giacomo Bertoldi, Stefano della Chiesa, 2011 Ruth Mugford
you should edit the variable 'simname' and the 'filroot' in this m-file to specify the simulation path
you should also set the appropriate flags
The main script to plot 1D point GEOtop outptut file data is:
Copyright, 2010 Giacomo Bertoldi;
plots GEOTOP 2_0 temporal outputs for a chosen control point ;
load before load_GEOtop_2_0.m
you need to define the chosen point # in the script
The main script to plot 1D point profiles of soil moisture, soil pressure, soil temperature is:
Copyright, 2010 Giacomo Bertoldi
plots GEOTOP 2_0 point profiles for every layer of: soil temparature, sil pressure, soil total water content, soil ice content
load before load_GEOtop_2_0
The following functions are called:
adapted x geotop GEOtop2_0 simulations load the path of the simulation mysim
Copyright, 2009 Giacomo Bertoldi
Inputs: 'mysim': string name of the simulation
Outputs: simpath: simulation path
adapted for GEOTOP GEOtop2_0 outputs unload the path of the mysimulation mysim Copyright, 2009 Giacomo Bertoldi
Inputs: 'mysim': string name of the simulation
Outputs: clear variable simpath
adapted x geotop GEOtop2_0 simulations
import a GEOtop2_0 time series file Copyright, 2009 Giacomo Bertoldi
'myfile': string name of the file to import
mydata: array with numeric data
mytimes: array with the time in days (Matlab standard date time)
mydates: string array with the dates
mylabels: string array with column labels