Data and code for "Spatio-temporal metapopulation trends: the coconut crabs of Zanzibar", Sollmann, R., Caro, T. (2024), Ecology and Evolution.
DOI repository:
This repository contains the following scripts (folder R) :
GLMM CPUE.R: R code to analyze catch per unit effort of coconut crabs (Methods - Population trends)
GLMM weights.R: R code to analyze weights of coconut crabs (Methods - Weights)
GLMM sex.R: R code to analyze the proportion of female of coconut crabs (Methods - Proportion of females)
It further contains the following processed data files (folder Interim data products) : data frame with visit level information on number of crabs captured, effort, visit covariates (moon, rain), site covariates (anthropogenic factors) and other information (eg, survey label, site name and code etc.)
Weight_data.rds: data frame with individual level information on sex, weight, site, survey and visit for all captured coconut crabs
It further contains the following raw data files (folder data-raw) :
Conservation Campaign dates.xlsx: Information on when (if at all) conservation campaigns were implemented at all survey sites (see Methods - Additional information)
Report data.xlsx: Information on effort and number of crabs captured from unpublished student reports (see Methods - Additional information)
No new code. For packages needed pls see top of R scripts.