This is a fork of the compiler intended for usage with SectrPrototype
There were additions made for quality of life reasons:
- Added #region, #endregion directives support for editors (I may remove this...)
- I added support for 'monlithic packages' or 'uniform-across-subdirectories packages'. It allows me to organize the main package with sub-directories. (Could be flag instead but making it a file flag works well)
- Added the ability to debug using statements on structs (fields get dumped to the stack as ptr refs)
- They show up as
- They show up as
- Remove implicit assignments for container allocators in the Base and Core packages
- I did not enjoy bug hunting a memory corruption because I mistakenly didn't properly initialize a core container with their designated initiatizer: new, make, or init.
- Affects the following:
- base:runtime/core_builtin.doin:
- base:runtime/core_builtin_soa.odin:
- base:runtime/default_temp_allocator_arena.odin:
- base:runtime/dynamic_array_internal.odin:
- base:runtime/dynamic_map_internal.odin:
- core:flags/internal_assignment.doin:
- core:mem/tracking_allocator.odin:
- core:strings/intern.odin:
- base:runtime/core_builtin.doin:
- Added debug breaks to the following:
- core:cbor/unmarshal.odin:
- core:json/unmarshal.odin:
- core:cbor/unmarshal.odin:
The Data-Oriented Language for Sane Software Development.
Odin is a general-purpose programming language with distinct typing, built for high performance, modern systems, and built-in data-oriented data types. The Odin Programming Language, the C alternative for the joy of programming.
package main
import "core:fmt"
main :: proc() {
program := "+ + * 😃 - /"
accumulator := 0
for token in program {
switch token {
case '+': accumulator += 1
case '-': accumulator -= 1
case '*': accumulator *= 2
case '/': accumulator /= 2
case '😃': accumulator *= accumulator
case: // Ignore everything else
fmt.printf("The program \"%s\" calculates the value %d\n",
program, accumulator)
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- The Odin compiler is still in development.