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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Get the Spring "Hello, World!" container running in Minikube. The following commands are condensed from the Kubernetes Docs' section Hello Minikube.

$ # build and create a Docker image
$ gradle dockerClean
$ gradle docker

$ # create a local Kubernetes instance
$ sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none
$ sudo minikube dashboard
[sudo] password for ed:
πŸ€”  Verifying dashboard health ...
... blah, blah, blah ...
xdg-open: no method available for opening ''
$ # open this URL in your web browser manually --^

$ # deploy a container image - create a Deployment
$ sudo kubectl run hello-spring \
    --image=tzahk/spring-hello-world \
    --image-pull-policy=Never \
$ sudo kubectl get deployment
hello-spring   1/1     1            1           6m22s

$ # expose a service - create a Service
$ sudo kubectl expose deployment hello-spring \
    --type=LoadBalancer \
    --port=8081 \
$ sudo kubectl get service -o wide
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE     SELECTOR
hello-spring   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8081:31699/TCP   3m22s   run=hello-spring
kubernetes     ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          88m     <none>

$ firefox

$ minikube delete

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Starting with Stateful Set Basics, prerequisites. First Volumes, the most interesting of which are emptyDir (ephemeral, Pod-wide scratch space), local (maybe what I need for Cassandra in Minikube?), configMap (for injecting configuration information into a Pod), and similarly, secret (for injecting credentials and other sensitive configuration into a Pod).

A Kubernetes Volume, on the other hand, has an explicit lifetime - the same as the Pod that encloses it. Consequently, a Volume outlives any Containers that run within the Pod, and data is preserved across Container restarts. Of course, when a Pod ceases to exist, the volume will cease to exist, too.

Next, Persistent Volumes (PV), are longer-lived, with a lifecycle associated with the entire Cluster, not just a single Pod. A Pod uses a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) to specify and request a type and volume of storage. The binding between PersistenceVolumeClaim and a PersistentVolume is one-to-one; neither are shared once bound together.

Question: Do PV Access Mode ReadOnlyMany and/or ReadWriteMany relax this 1:1 constraint?

Answer: PersistentVolumes binds are exclusive, and since PersistentVolumeClaims are namespaced objects, mounting claims with ReadOnlyMany (ROX) or ReadWriteMany (RWX) is only possible within one namespace.

A Pod uses a PersistentVolumeClaim as though it was a Volume.

When a user no longer needs it, they can delete the PVC objects from the API which allows reclamation of the resource. The reclaim policy for a PersistentVolume determines what will happen; it may be Retained (no data lost, but manual work required to delete), Recycled (limited support and deprecated in favor of Delete + dynamic provisioning) or Deleted (just what it says on the tin).

Cassandra as a StatefulSet

Restart Minikube with more memory and processors (but leave some for yourself).

$ sudo minikube stop
$ free -h
            total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            15G        3.2G        6.9G        766M        5.5G         11G
Swap:           15G          0B         15G
$ export CPU_COUNT=$( grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo )
$ sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none --memory 5120 --cpus=$((CPU_COUNT-1))

Create a Service to expose Cassandra (using the local YAML file or the original).

$ sudo kubectl apply -f cassandra-service.yaml
$ sudo kubectl get service cassandra
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
cassandra      ClusterIP      None           <none>        9042/TCP         21m

Create a StatefulSet of Cassandra instances (using the local YAML file or the original).

$ sudo kubectl apply -f cassandra-statefulset.yaml

This may take several minutes...

$ sudo kubectl get statefulset
cassandra   3/3     16m

Running the following command periodically will reveal the start-up process.

$ sudo kubectl get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0                     1/1     Running   0          17m
cassandra-1                     1/1     Running   0          16m
cassandra-2                     1/1     Running   0          14m

Run the Cassandra cluster/ring status tool inside the first Pod to confirm that the Cassandra instances have found one another.

$ kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- nodetool status
Datacenter: DC1-K8Demo
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address     Load       Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID    Rack
UN  103.81 KiB  32      69.8%             2a11b...  Rack1-K8Demo
UN  104.55 KiB  32      62.9%             df986...  Rack1-K8Demo
UN  65.87 KiB   32      67.4%             cd220...  Rack1-K8Demo

Now scale up the Cassandra ring by adding an instance. (In the .yaml file, change [0].spec.replicas from 3 to 4.)

$ sudo kubectl edit statefulsets.apps cassandra
statefulset.apps/cassandra edited

If you run the following commands immediately, you can see that Kubernetes is moving the Cluster into the new desired state.

$ sudo kubectl get statefulset cassandra
cassandra   3/4     28m

$ sudo kubectl get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0                     1/1     Running   0          28m
cassandra-1                     1/1     Running   0          27m
cassandra-2                     1/1     Running   0          25m
cassandra-3                     0/1     Running   0          49s
hello-spring-684c5969d9-q5k8g   1/1     Running   1          174m

Once all the Pods are ready, confirm that Cassandra has found its new member.

$ kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- nodetool status

Delete the StatefulSet and PersistentVolumeClaims.

$ grace=$(kubectl get po cassandra-0 \
        -o=jsonpath='{.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds}') \
    && kubectl delete statefulset -l app=cassandra \
    && echo "Sleeping $grace" \
    && sleep $grace \
    && kubectl delete pvc -l app=cassandra

Finally, delete the Service.

$ sudo kubectl delete service cassandra

And confirm that they're all gone:

$ sudo kubectl get pvc
No resources found.

$ sudo kubectl get statefulsets.apps 
No resources found.
$ sudo kubectl get service cassandra
Error from server (NotFound): services "cassandra" not found

Saturday, July 28, 2019

Because I use Maven at work, I decided to take a little detour and figure out how to manage dependencies and the build process using it (instead of Gradle, which this example originally used.)

I built a stand-alone, Maven-managed project based on this Datastax 4.x driver example, the Datastax 4.1 Javadocs, human docs (which aren't great) and the Datastax 4.1 driver in Apache's Maven repository.

The Maven Getting Started Guide was very useful, and linked to many other concept introductions.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Install Cassandra for the command line tools and disable the Cassandra server via sudo systemctl disable cassandra.

$ sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none

$ sudo minikube dashboard

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0                     1/1     Running   1          7d1h
hello-spring-684c5969d9-q5k8g   1/1     Running   3          13d

$ kubectl port-forward cassandra-0 9042
Forwarding from -> 9042
Forwarding from [::1]:9042 -> 9042

$ cqlsh
Connected to K8Demo at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.2 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> describe keyspaces

system_traces  system_schema  system_auth  system  system_distributed

Started a new Spring Boot application using Maven this time using this how-to.

Learned how to "manually" build and run the Spring Boot application as a Docker container (outside of Kubernetes) using a very simple Dockerfile:

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre
COPY target/service-that-logs-0.1.0.jar .
EXPOSE 8080/tcp
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","service-that-logs-0.1.0.jar"]

It took a little digging, but I found a JDK 11 + Alpine Docker base image that's a (relatively) lean 141 MB, compared to the ~250 MB openjdk/11-jre image and the portly 600+ MB openjdk/11.

Other examples seem really interested in COPYing their build artifacts in other directories (e.g., /app/lib, or /usr/src); I'm not sure why. Just putting it in the working directory seems to work OK.

Then, with the help of

I ran

$ docker build --tag=service-that-logs:0.1.0 .

$ docker run -p service-that-logs:0.1.0

I added environment variable control of the log level, using this article on environment variables,, and Spring, this tip on request detail logging, a little refresher on environment variable scope, an exhaustive list of Spring Boot configuration overriding, which all started with Sping Boot Logback configuration.

Now, it's finally time to use the Maven-built, Docker Container-ized, Spring Boot application in Kubernetes!

$ # deploy a container image
$ kubectl run service-that-logs \
    --image=service-that-logs:0.1.0 \
    --image-pull-policy=Never \
    --port=8080 \

$ sudo kubectl get deployment

$ # expose the Deployment
$ kubectl expose deployment service-that-logs \
    --type=LoadBalancer \
    --port=8081 \

$ kubectl get service -o wide
NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE     SELECTOR
cassandra           ClusterIP      None            <none>        9042/TCP         7d16h   app=cassandra
kubernetes          ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          20d     <none>
service-that-logs   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8081:30622/TCP   7s      run=service-that-logs

$ # contact the service using the Cluster-internal IP address
$ curl && echo
Hello, curl/7.58.0!

$ # contact the service using the external IP address and port
$ curl localhost:30622 && echo
Hello, curl/7.58.0!

You can view the logs using Docker, only bceause we're using Minikube:

$ # find the Container ID
$ docker ps
$ # follow (-f) the container logs
$ docker logs -f d623c865464c

Alternatively (and more correctly) you should:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cassandra-0                          1/1     Running   2          7d16h
service-that-logs-7d8579b587-5vz55   1/1     Running   0          16m

$ kubectl logs -f service-that-logs-7d8579b587-5vz55

Manual Development Cycle

Now, let's make a change to the application and redeploy it (omitting command output). We'll increate the "version number" embedded in the Docker image tag, just to differentiate between the old and new images.

$ kubectl delete service service-that-logs

$ kubectl delete deployment service-that-logs

$ # change the source code to say "Howdy" instead of "Hello"

$ mvn package

$ docker build --tag=service-that-logs:0.1.1 .

$ kubectl run service-that-logs \
    --image=service-that-logs:0.1.1 \
    --image-pull-policy=Never \
    --port=8080 \

$ kubectl expose deployment service-that-logs \
    --type=LoadBalancer \
    --port=8081 \

$ kubectl get services
NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
cassandra           ClusterIP      None             <none>        9042/TCP         7d16h
kubernetes          ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          20d
service-that-logs   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8081:32033/TCP   111s

$ curl localhost:32033
Howdy, curl/7.58.0!

The script describes this process in more detail, and prevents me having to use a more sophisticated setup until I get my application to talk to Cassandra.

DNS Problems

Kubernetes DNS Troubleshooting Guide

The DNS service in my K8s cluster is not running (properly):

$ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-5c98db65d4-9mxkq                0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   65         21d
coredns-5c98db65d4-pc2vm                0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   65         21d
etcd-minikube                           1/1     Running            5          21d
kube-addon-manager-minikube             1/1     Running            5          21d

Notice the READY, STATUS, and RESTARTS values for coredns. The logs for one such crashed pod pointed me in the right direction:

$ kubectl -n kube-system logs -f coredns-5c98db65d4-9mxkq
2019-08-04T00:33:19.719Z [INFO] CoreDNS-1.3.1
2019-08-04T00:33:19.719Z [INFO] linux/amd64, go1.11.4, 6b56a9c
linux/amd64, go1.11.4, 6b56a9c
2019-08-04T00:33:19.719Z [INFO] plugin/reload: Running configuration MD5 = 5d5369fbc12f985709b924e721217843
2019-08-04T00:33:19.720Z [FATAL] plugin/loop: Loop ( -> :53) detected for zone ".", see Query: "HINFO 5223451210285519832.6127911068346062510."

This "hacky solution" seemed to work, although I tried the "preferred solution without luck (I couldn't find the loop in my host system's resolv config).

Edit the CoreDNS configmap:

  kubectl -n kube-system edit configmap coredns

Remove or comment out the line with "loop", save and exit.

Then remove the CoreDNS pods, so new ones can be created with new config:

  kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-dns

Now, things look a little better, but the inability to resolve kubernetes.default still worries me a little.

    $ kubectl exec -it busybox -- nslookup kubernetes.default
    Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

    nslookup: can't resolve 'kubernetes.default'
    command terminated with exit code 1

    $ kubectl exec -it busybox -- nslookup cassandra
    Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

    Name:      cassandra
    Address 1: cassandra-0.cassandra.default.svc.cluster.local

The Java app crashes, but with a different error:

You provided explicit contact points, the local DC must be specified (see basic.load-balancing-policy.local-datacenter in the config)

I just guessed and set the datacenter name to "local", but that led to NoNodeAvailableExceptions being thrown because the Cassandra driver was trying to find some member of the "local" datacanter at the address I provided, but that wasn't the correct name of the datacenter.

I needed to set the Cassandra datacenter name correctly using CqlSessionFactory.withLocalDatacenter(<name>). To find it, query the system keyspace.

    $ kubectl port-forward cassandra-0 9042 &

    $ cqlsh -e "select data_center from system.local;"


        (1 rows)

Monday, August 5

After reading about using ConfigMap contents selectively or in whole maps to set environment variables, I started working on YAML files for ServiceThatLogs.

$ kubectl get deploy service-that-logs -o=yaml --export > service-that-logs.yaml

Got me started, then manually preparing a ConfigMap YAML...

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: service-that-logs-config
      namespace: default
      CASSANDRA_HOSTNAME: cassandra
      CASSANDRA_PORT: "9042"

And replacing the individual environment variables in the service YAML...

      - env:
        - name: LOG_LEVEL
          value: DEBUG

with a single "bulk" reference to the ConfigMap...

      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            dname: service-that-logs-config

Saturday, August 10

  1. Signed up for GCP. Sadly, had to activate billing to try out GCP Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Created a Kubernetes Cluster using the Web UI equivalent to

    $ gcloud beta container \
        --project "maximal-copilot-249415" clusters create "test" \
        --zone "us-central1-a" \
        --no-enable-basic-auth \
        --cluster-version "1.12.8-gke.10" \
        --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
        --image-type "COS" \
        --disk-type "pd-standard" \
        --disk-size "100" \
        --scopes "","","","","","" \
        --num-nodes "3" \
        --enable-cloud-logging \
        --enable-cloud-monitoring \
        --enable-ip-alias \
        --network "projects/maximal-copilot-249415/global/networks/default" \
        --subnetwork "projects/maximal-copilot-249415/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default" \
        --default-max-pods-per-node "110" \
        --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing \
        --enable-autoupgrade \
  3. install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu

  4. install kubectx, which I've been using at work and makes cluster and namespace awareness and switching much easier. I downloaded the kubectx.deb package from the unstable Debian package repository.

     $ sudo apt install ~/Downloads/kubectx_0.6.3-2_all.deb
  5. set up access to my new GCP cluster through kubectl.

     $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials test

    Incidentally, I learned about tput, a much nicer way to set color and text attributes than raw ANSI codes. A full list of color codes can be generated.

  6. Get Cassandra "installed" in the cluster. Reread original Cassandra-on-Minkube instructions.

    Separated the StorageClass section of cassandra-statefulset.yaml into a different file and changed the name so that the storage class names would match in the Minikube and GCP environments. Notice that the name standard matches the default GCP K8s storage class name (it was fast before).

     kind: StorageClass
       name: standard
       type: pd-ssd


     $ k apply -f cassandra-statefulset.yaml     

    It took almost 4 minutes to spin up the three-node Cassandra cluster.

  7. Upload the Spring Boot Web Service Docker Image.

     $ gcloud auth configure-docker
     The following settings will be added to your Docker config file 
     located at [/home/ed/.docker/config.json]:
     "credHelpers": {
         "": "gcloud", 
         "": "gcloud", 
         "": "gcloud", 
         "": "gcloud", 
         "": "gcloud", 
         "": "gcloud"
     Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y
     Docker configuration file updated.
     $ docker tag service-that-logs:latest
     $ docker push
     The push refers to repository []
     399738b74712: Pushed 
     2ad1448ed264: Pushed 
     597ef0c21b96: Pushed 
     1bfeebd65323: Layer already exists 
     latest: digest: sha256:56ecf745d2eea68dcbd01c6dac8387355aa19434afef3da1eefc0635c960ad51 size: 1163
     $ gcloud container images list
     Only listing images in Use --repository to list images in other repositories.
  8. Start the Spring Boot Web Service.

     $ k apply -f service-that-logs.yaml
     $ k get service service-that-logs
     NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
     service-that-logs   LoadBalancer   8081:30434/TCP   49m
  9. Test the Spring Boot Web Service.

     $ curl && echo && date -u
     Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
     Sat Aug 10 18:29:15 UTC 2019
     $ k logs service-that-logs-5fd948454c-wmvwx | grep curl
     2019-08-10 18:29:15.050  INFO 1 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] com.tzahk.Controller : request from curl/7.58.0
     $ # prove that the web app can connect to the Cassandra cluster
     $ curl && echo
  10. Tear down the GCP K8s cluster.

     $ gcloud container clusters delete test
     The following clusters will be deleted.
     - [test] in [us-central1-a]
     Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y
     Deleting cluster test...done.                                                                                                                                                           
     Deleted [].    
  11. Finally, check in the GCP Control Panel to make sure that your cluster and storage is deleted. Manually delete your Docker images.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Repeat GCP Procedure

  1. Fire up Minikube and confirm the application still works.

    $ sudo minikube start
    [sudo] password for ed: 
    πŸ„  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"
    $ k get svc service-that-logs -o wide
    NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE   SELECTOR
    service-that-logs   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8081:30434/TCP   11d   run=service-that-logs
    $ curl && echo
    Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
    $ curl && echo
  2. Recreate the cluster in GCP using the command generated by the UI last week:

    $ gcloud beta container \
        --project "maximal-copilot-249415" clusters create "test" \
        --zone "us-central1-a" \
        --no-enable-basic-auth \
        --cluster-version "1.12.8-gke.10" \
        --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \
        --image-type "COS" \
        --disk-type "pd-standard" \
        --disk-size "100" \
        --scopes "","","","","","" \
        --num-nodes "3" \
        --enable-cloud-logging \
        --enable-cloud-monitoring \
        --enable-ip-alias \
        --network "projects/maximal-copilot-249415/global/networks/default" \
        --subnetwork "projects/maximal-copilot-249415/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default" \
        --default-max-pods-per-node "110" \
        --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing \
        --enable-autoupgrade \
    Creating cluster test in us-central1-a... Cluster is being health-checked (master is healthy)...done. 
    Created [].
    To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to:
    kubeconfig entry generated for test.
    test  us-central1-a  1.12.8-gke.10  n1-standard-1  1.12.8-gke.10  3          RUNNING
  3. set up access to GCP cluster through kubectl, then clean up the configuration for the old cluster that remained in ~/.kube/config using kubectx.

    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials test
    $ kc
    $ kc -d test
    Deleting context "test"...
    deleted context test from /home/ed/.kube/config
    $ kc
    $ kc test=gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test
    Context "gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test" renamed to "test".
    $ kc
  4. Deploy Cassandra.

     $ k apply -f cassandra-service.yaml
     $ k apply -f cassandra-statefulset.yaml     

    NOTE: It seems important to start the Service before you start the StatefulSet. When I started the StatefulSet first, I saw the following error in the second Cassandra node's logs:

     WARN  14:22:31 Seed provider couldn't lookup host cassandra-0.cassandra.default.svc.cluster.local
     Exception (org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException) encountered during startup: The seed provider lists no seeds.
     The seed provider lists no seeds.
     ERROR 14:22:31 Exception encountered during startup: The seed provider lists no seeds.
  5. Upload the Spring Boot Web Service Docker Image.

     $ docker push
     The push refers to repository []
     latest: digest: sha256:56ecf745d2eea68dcbd01c6dac8387355aa19434afef3da1eefc0635c960ad51 size: 1163
     $ gcloud container images list
     Only listing images in Use --repository to list images in other repositories.
  6. Start the Spring Boot Web Service and test it.

     $ k apply -f service-that-logs.yaml
     $ k get svc service-that-logs
     NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
     service-that-logs   LoadBalancer   8081:30434/TCP   88s
     $ curl && echo && date -u
     Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
     Sat Aug 10 18:29:15 UTC 2019
     $ k logs $(k get pod -l=run=service-that-logs -o name) | grep curl

2019-08-17 14:43:20.420 INFO 1 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.tzahk.Controller : request from curl/7.58.0

    $ curl && echo

Debugging an Application Running in Minikube

First, confirmed that I can start the Spring Boot Web App within VS Code and debug it. This required that I forward a port into the Minikube Cassandra pod.

$ k port-forward $(k get pods -o name -l=app=cassandra) 9042

Trying to meld together these two articles:

Here are the Four Steps (mentioned in the article):

  1. Build the service in debug mode.

    added to pom.xml (from


    Then rebuilt and re-packaged:

     $ mvn package
  2. Modify the Dockerfile to expose the debug port on the Docker image, and start/run the application in debug mode...

    FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre
    COPY target/service-that-logs-0.1.0.jar .
    EXPOSE 8080/tcp
    EXPOSE 8000/tcp
    ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","-Xdebug","-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n","service-that-logs-0.1.0.jar"]

    ...and rebuild the Docker image.

     $ docker build --tag=service-that-logs:debug -f Dockerfile.debug .
  3. Deploy the Docker container with the debugger port exposed.

    Modify the Deployment YAML to open the debugger port and refer to the "debug" container image...

      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            name: service-that-logs-config
        image: service-that-logs:debug
        imagePullPolicy: Never
        name: service-that-logs
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
        - containerPort: 8000
          protocol: TCP  

    ...and re-deploy it.

     $ k delete deploy service-that-logs
     deployment.extensions "service-that-logs" deleted
     $ k apply -f ../service-that-logs.minikube.yaml
  4. Run a remote debugging session from VS Code.

    Add an "attach" debugger configuration.

        "type": "java",
        "name": "Minikube - Application",
        "request": "attach",
        "hostName": "localhost",
        "port": 8000

    Forward the debugger port into the Pod.

     $ k port-forward $(k get pod -o name -l run=service-that-logs) 8000

It works!

This is handy for determining if you're running the images you think you're running: List All Running Container Images.

I also saw a suggestion that I could enable debugging using an environment variable (JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS) rather than a command line switch, but I don't see how to expose/hide the port dynamically. (It doesn't seem wise to leave it open even in a "release" build.)

-e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n""

Debugging an Application Running in GCP K8s

  1. Replace the tagged local Docker image with a debug-enabled image.

     $ docker rmi
     $ docker tag service-that-logs:debug
  2. Push the Docker image to the GCP repository.

     $ docker push
  3. Modify the deployment specification to reference the debug-enabeld Docker image and expose the remote debugger port.

    $ git diff service-that-logs.gcp.yaml 
    diff --git a/service-that-logs.gcp.yaml b/service-that-logs.gcp.yaml
    index fe8fda0..89e590e 100644
    --- a/service-that-logs.gcp.yaml
    +++ b/service-that-logs.gcp.yaml
    @@ -46,12 +46,14 @@ spec:
        - envFrom:
            - configMapRef:
                name: service-that-logs-config
    -        image:
    +        image:
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            name: service-that-logs
            - containerPort: 8080
            protocol: TCP
    +        - containerPort: 8000
    +          protocol: TCP
            resources: {}
            terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
            terminationMessagePolicy: File


  1. Delete the GCP K8s cluster.

     $ gcloud container clusters delete test
     Deleted [].
  2. Delete the Container image. I did this from the command line using gcloud container images list and gcloud container images delete <image-name> but it was a little cumbersome. I should refine this process next time around.

  3. Stop Minikube.

  4. Confirm in the GCP Control Panel that your cluster, storage, and images are deleted.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Repeat GCP Procedure

  1. Fire up Minikube and confirm the application still works.

    $ sudo minikube start
    [sudo] password for ed: 
    πŸ„  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"
    $ ./ 
    Testing context minikube
      / returned Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
      /v returned 3.11.2
  2. Recreate the cluster in GCP, configure kubectl access, and deploy the whole system.

    $ ./
    test  us-central1-a  1.12.8-gke.10  n1-standard-1  1.12.8-gke.10  3          RUNNING
    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials test
    Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
    kubeconfig entry generated for test.
    $ kc -d test
    Deleting context "test"...
    deleted context test from /home/ed/.kube/config
    $ kc test=gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test
    Context "gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test" renamed to "test".
    $ k apply -f cassandra-service.yaml
    $ k apply -f cassandra-statefulset.yaml     
    $ docker push
    The push refers to repository []
    latest: digest: sha256:56ecf745d2eea68dcbd01c6dac8387355aa19434afef3da1eefc0635c960ad51 size: 1163
    $ k apply -f service-that-logs.gcp.yaml
    $ ./ 
    Testing context test
      / returned Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
      /v returned 3.11.2

Consolidate Application Configuration

  1. Move the Cassandra data center value (and the rest of the service-that-logs) configuration into a separate file common.configmap.yaml.

  2. Apply the changes.

    • on Minikube, Cassandra StatefulSet must be deleted and re-created
    • on GCP, rolling update works as expected
    • service-that-logs apply works in both environments
    • run the test script in both environments
  3. Write a Python script to produce text templates from a YAML template and YAML parameters. Combine all of the resource description YAML files into a single file and factor out the Minikube- and GCP-specific values into a JSON file.

    Now we can apply the resource descriptions all at once, plugging in variables.

     $ k apply -f <(./ app.yaml.template app.gcp.json)

Saturday, Aug 31

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Repeat GCP Procedure

  1. Fire up Minikube and confirm the application still works.

    $ sudo minikube start
    [sudo] password for ed: 
    πŸ„  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"

    You may have to wait a minute for the services to come up once the Cluster is alive. Then...

    $ ./ 
    Testing context minikube
      / returned Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
      /v returned 3.11.2
  2. Recreate the cluster in GCP, configure kubectl access, and deploy the whole system.

    $ ./
    test  us-central1-a  1.12.8-gke.10  n1-standard-1  1.12.8-gke.10  3          RUNNING
    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials test
    Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
    kubeconfig entry generated for test.
    $ kc -d test
    Deleting context "test"...
    deleted context test from /home/ed/.kube/config
    $ kc test=gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test
    Context "gke_maximal-copilot-249415_us-central1-a_test" renamed to "test".
    $ docker push
    The push refers to repository []
    latest: digest: sha256:56ecf745d2eea68dcbd01c6dac8387355aa19434afef3da1eefc0635c960ad51 size: 1163
    $ k apply -f app.gcp.yaml
    $ ./ 
    Testing context test
      / returned Howdy, curl/7.58.0!
      /v returned 3.11.2

Feature Toggle without Restart

The idea is to mount a ConfigMap as a directory, then create a watch that notices changes in the files. Each file name represents a ConfigMap key, and the value is the contents of the file. I've started this change in my Java Application, but it should really be tested in a stand-alone Java application first, so that Docker/Kubernetes aren't involved until I've got the hang of it.


  1. Delete the GCP K8s cluster and Google Container Registry image.

     $ gcloud container clusters delete test
  2. Delete the Container image. I did this from GCP Web Console because no matter what I did, gcloud gave me useless, frustrating error messages about the format of my image name/tag.

     $ export IMAGE_NAME=$(gcloud container images list --format=config | sed 's/name = //')
     $ export IMAGE_TAG=$(gcloud container images list-tags --format=config | grep digest | sed 's/digest = sha256://')
     $ #!@$
     ERROR: (gcloud.container.images.delete) [] digest must be of the form "sha256:<digest>".
  3. Stop Minikube.

  4. Confirm in the GCP Control Panel that your cluster, storage, and images are deleted.

Saturday, Sept 7, 2019

Rather than pursue the feature toggle further, I'm going to try to get some experience with Kafka, then Flink. Fire up Minikube.

$ sudo minikube start

First, I'll try to add Kafka to my K8s Application using the expedient GitHub repo yolean/kubernetes-kafka, which relies on the new-ish (and somewhat confusingly documented) Kubernetes Kustomize feature. (This looks like a promising replacement for my homemade template system which relies on YAML "patch" files instead of a separate templating syntax.)

$ kubectl create namespace kafka
namespace/kafka created

$ kubectl apply -k created created created created
configmap/broker-config created
configmap/zookeeper-config created
service/bootstrap created
service/broker created
service/pzoo created
service/zookeeper created
service/zoo created
statefulset.apps/kafka created
statefulset.apps/pzoo created
statefulset.apps/zoo created

And then try it out by with kafkacat:

$ sudo apt-get install kafkacat

$ k port-forward -n kafka $(podname kafka kafka)

$ kafkacat -b localhost:9094 -L
Handling connection for 9094
Metadata for all topics (from broker 0: localhost:9094/0):
 1 brokers:
  broker 0 at localhost:9094
 0 topics:

$ for i in {0..10}; do echo $i; done | kafkacat -P -b localhost:9094 -t numbers
Handling connection for 9094

$ kafkacat -C -b localhost:9094 -t numbers -o beginning
Handling connection for 9094
% Reached end of topic numbers [0] at offset 11

Add Kafka consumer/producer support to my Java application, following these instructions and to construct a pom.xml I can compare with my existing Maven configuration. (While I was at it, I bumped by Java language version to 11 from 8). The important additions were as follows.


I added a basic producer (driven by a new API endpoint: POST /message) and consumer that simply logs the received message.

$ mvn package

$ docker build --tag=service-that-logs:0.1.2 .

Set "STL_IMAGE": "service-that-logs:0.1.2" in app.minikube.json.

$ ./

$ k apply -f app.minikube.yaml
Howdy, curl/7.58.0!

TODO: I rewrote the Kafka Consumer, and it's able to connect now, but I think it's failing to read messages because I'm not setting its topic consumer offset back to "earliest".

Thursday, Oct 3

$ helm init --service-account tiller --history-max 200

$ git clone --depth 1

$ cd charts/stable/minecraft

$ $ helm install --name mc5 \
    --set minecraftServer.eula=true \
    -f values.yaml \
    --namespace minecraft \

Saturday, Oct 12

Create a Kubernetes Service Account.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: minecraft-backup-account

Create a deployment using the google/cloud-sdk Docker image (which includes both kubectl and gsutil):

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: minecraft-backup
    app: minecraft-backup
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        app: minecraft-backup
      serviceAccountName: minecraft-backup-account
      - name: minecraft-backup
        image: google/cloud-sdk
        resources: {}
        - /bin/sh
        - -c
        - date; sleep 600    

From within the spawned Pod, this command is equivalent to "whoami":

$ gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

Notice that a cluster's default service account (unless you've changed it) has Read Only permission to Google Storage.

After creating a Service Account using the YAML above and kubectl -apply, I don't see the created account among those listed by Google Cloud Platform > IAM & admin > Service Accounts. What's the difference between them?

# gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

# kubectl get serviceaccount
Error from server (Forbidden): serviceaccounts is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:minecraft:minecraft-backup-account" cannot list resource "serviceaccounts" in API group "" in the namespace "minecraft"

Using Google Cloud Service Accounts on GKE looks like a very promising article.

Thursday, Oct 17

Credentials for gsutil

I found the official docs for using a GCP Service Account key. I think I had seen this before, but didn't really understand what was going on.

After creating the GCP Service Account and downloading the JSON key file, I ran

kubectl create secret generic \
    minecraft-backup-bucket-writer-gcp-svc-acct \

Then in my Deployment/CronJob spec, I add

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
          value: /var/secrets/google/key.json
        - name: google-cloud-key
          mountPath: /var/secrets/google
      - name: google-cloud-key
          secretName: minecraft-backup-bucket-writer-gcp-svc-acct          

However, when I create that Deployment, I find that Google Cloud identity is still the default one, and I still can't write to that Google Storage Bucket.

$ k exec -it minecraft-backup-79dbd66bdb-9lt4c -- bash

# gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

# gsutil cp test.txt gs://tzahk-minecraft-backup/test.txt
Copying file://test.txt [Content-Type=text/plain]...
AccessDeniedException: 403 Insufficient Permission 

**gsutil does not rely on the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Instead, you must specify the credentials to use explicitly.

$ k exec -it $(k get pod -l app=minecraft-backup -o name | sed 's_pod/__') -- bash

# gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/var/secrets/google/key.json 
Activated service account credentials for: []

# touch test2.txt

# gsutil cp test2.txt gs://tzahk-minecraft-backup/
Copying file://test2.txt [Content-Type=text/plain]...
/ [1 files][    0.0 B/    0.0 B]                                                
Operation completed over 1 objects.      

This (finally) works. So my Deployment/CronJob spec could be simplified, but I'm just going to leave it as-is with a comment that the environment variable is not used by gsutil.

Credentials for kubectl

With help from and a little fiddling, I've tested this ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding setup:

kind: Role
  namespace: minecraft
  name: pod-get-list-exec
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "list"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods/exec"]
  verbs: ["create"]
kind: ServiceAccount
apiVersion: v1
  name: minecraft-backup-account
kind: RoleBinding
  name: pod-get-list-exec-binding
  namespace: minecraft
  kind: Role
  name: pod-get-list-exec
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: minecraft-backup-account
  namespace: minecraft

I created a test Deployment using the preceding config, and was able to walk through the steps to backup the world directory in the Minecraft Pod and copy it to a Google Storage bucket.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: minecraft-backup
    app: minecraft-backup
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        app: minecraft-backup
      serviceAccountName: minecraft-backup-account
      - name: minecraft-backup
        image: google/cloud-sdk
        resources: {}
          value: /var/secrets/google/key.json
        - name: google-cloud-key
          mountPath: /var/secrets/google
        - /bin/sh
        - -c
        - date; sleep 600
      - name: google-cloud-key
          secretName: minecraft-backup-bucket-writer-gcp-svc-acct
$ kubectl exec -it $(k get pod -l app=minecraft-backup -o name | sed 's_pod/__') -- bash

# kubectl get pod -n minecraft
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mc6-minecraft-6c69dcc8b5-ngjkw      1/1     Running   0          13d
minecraft-backup-58599cbbb6-znz4x   1/1     Running   0          4m37s

# gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/var/secrets/google/key.json
Activated service account credentials for: []

# datetime=$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H%M') # Example: 2019-10-07T1534

# pod=$(kubectl get pod -n minecraft -o name | grep '\-minecraft\-' | sed 's:pod/::')

# backup_filename=${pod}.${datetime}.tgz 

# kubectl exec $pod -- tar czf - world > ~/$backup_filename

# gsutil cp ~/$backup_filename gs://tzahk-minecraft-backup/
Copying file:///root/mc6-minecraft-6c69dcc8b5-ngjkw.2019-10-17T1727.tgz [Content-Type=application/x-tar]...
- [1 files][  9.3 MiB/  9.3 MiB]                                                
Operation completed over 1 objects/9.3 MiB.                                      

# exit

The last ingredient is a Docker image, stored in my GCP Docker Image Repository, based on the google/cloud-sdk image, including my backup script. I authored a simple Dockerfile:

FROM google/cloud-sdk
CMD [ "/bin/bash", "/" ]

Then built it, pushed it to GCP Container Registry, and switched the CronJob spec to refer to it.

$ docker build -t minecraft-backup:v0.1 .
Successfully tagged minecraft-backup:v0.1

$ docker tag minecraft-backup:v0.1

$ docker push
The push refers to repository []
latest: digest: sha256:124acdbfba2008255f860aba18219d731b9cc42f322e00721eb44c79bc541ab3 size: 1160

It works!

Next Steps

  1. Java Application build, package, deploy cycle is a painful mess. Fix it.

  2. Add Flink to the application.

  3. Implement a feature-toggle that doesn't require pod recreation.

  4. Switch to Kustomize from my custom templates. How would Terraform and/or Helm better Kustomize?


a sandbox for experimenting with Kubernetes






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