Umbrel UI developed for 3.5" GPIO screens
- Intended to be run as part of the Umbrel App system (hence the docker-compose)
- See Renderer for SPI screen image
- Use SPI screen without needing higher privileges
- Connect to BTC & LND services
- Allow user to set screen size
- Allow user to chose what is displayed
- Shutdown script to blank out screen on uninstall / shutdown (Not worked as expected)
The goal is to be able to present the user with some helpful information such as:
- IP address
- TOR address
- QR Code to link to url
- Funds Status
- How many channels
- Forwards in the last 24hrs
- Sync status
Early doors figma:
We can go the Raspiblitz route and add some touchscreen functionality but for now I think this should focus on presenting some basic data to allow the user to get up and running.
On Pi:
The googleapis submodule is only needed for the generation of some python files. You don't need it normally while using or developing this app, except when adding a new feature that requires a newer version of LND. If that's the case, first update the rpc.proto to the version from the latest LND, then run:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=googleapis:. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. rpc.proto
Please not that you need to have grpcio-tools installed to do this.
rpc.proto is available at Please don't use the file from a later version of LND than the one currently used in Umbrel to avoid issues.