EdgeTX "Dauntless" 2.5.0
We are pleased to offer EdgeTX "Dauntless" v2.5.0, bringing more touch screen goodness, Companion, color theme support and much, much more.
As with any major version upgrade, please ensure you BACKUP your model and radio settings. On Black & White screen radios, this can be done through the EEPROM backup option on the SYS -> Hardware page and/or backing up the individual models to file via the model select screen options. On Color screen radios, it is simply a matter of backing up your microSD card as all settings are stored there. If you are migrating from OpenTX, you can also use OpenTX Companion for that version to backup the radio and/or save model settings to file.
Highlights of this release include:
- Installation packages for Companion and Simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux
- Preliminary support for FlySky NV14
- Lua: Widgets have touch screen support also, including slide and tap count events (see the LibGUI and EventDemo widgets for an example of how they work)
- Lua: Long running scripts are preempted instead of killed
- Lua: Has basic file system support
- Preliminary colour theming support - available under Screen Setup. Ensure you have updated your SD card files if you wish to have the extra stock themes created by @JimB40, and also see our initial theme directory and some of the cool themes that have already been submitted.
- Onscreen keyboard for touch capable color LCD transmitters
- Model notes icon in menu carousel if model notes present
- Model category editor
- CRSF: Send updated receiver/model ID if changed (i.e. for ELRS model match)
- CRSF: Added option for 50mW power level
- CRSF: Added higher module speed option for experimentation with higher speeds
- MPM: Protocol list is now sorted alphabetically
- MPM: Query module for supported protocols and subprotocols - no more invalid protocols! (note: v1.3.3.0 MPM firmware is needed for this to function correctly)
- Max channel UI glitches resolved
- Added more widget layouts - 4+2,1+3,2+3 & 3x3 (plus some NV14 optimised ones)
- Fixes to Bluetooth trainer options for supported color LCD transmitters
- Fixed being able to use GVs for output min, max and subtrims
- Fixed trainer calibration crash
- Fixed using internal MPM as spectrum analyser altering model setup
- Fixed scaling options on inputs page (for telemetry sensors)
- Decrease latency when using USB joystick mode
- ADC driver code cleanup allowing for better maintainability
- Changed to better supported modern real-time operating system (FreeRTOS) which fixes timing issues such as mixer glitches and will ease future development
- Many unmentioned bug fixes and tweaks - please view the milestone for this release to see them all.
UI/UX behavioral changes and new capabilties:
- To make widgets full screen, you double tap. And to bring up the menu options for a widget, you tap and hold. And (as before), to exit the widget fullscreen mode, you long press RTN.
- You can long press/long enter on switch selection choice drop downs to flip between the “normal” and inverted states for switches
- Two positions switches now also have inverted states based on community feedback
- You can long press/long enter on the input/mixes custom curve choice drop-down to jump to curve edit screen
- On pop-up choice screens, i.e. switch and source screens, you must press the list item or press ENT for it to be saved. i.e. it might be highlighted because you moved the switch or stick, but this is not saved yet. Pressing RTN or touching ‘away’ from the list will revert to/retain the previously set value.
- When selecting widgets in 'Screens Setup', after selecting the widget that goes in a particular slot, the options window for the widget will be shown, rather than having to select the widget options entry manually.
Supported radios
Black & white LCD screen
- RadioMaster T8 / T8 Pro
- RadioMaster TX12
- Jumper T12 / T12 Plus / T12 Pro Hall
- Jumper T-Lite
- FrSky X9 Lite / X9 Lite S
- FrSky X-Lite / X-Lite S / X-Lite Pro
- FrSky X9D / X9D+ / X9D+ SE
- FrSky X9D+ 2019 / X9D+ SE 2019
Color LCD screen
- RadioMaster/Eachine TX16S / RadioMaster TX16S MAX
- Jumper T16 / T16 Plus / T16 Pro Hall
- Jumper T18 / T18 Lite / T18 Pro
- FrSky X10 / X10S / X10 Express / X10S Express
- FrSky X12S / X12S-IRSM
- FlySky NV14 (preliminary)
Limitations and Known Issues
- As with 2.4, if you are converting from OTX 2.3.x on color screen radios, due to incompatibility in how the settings were stored, any panel/widget setups will be lost. This DOES NOT apply if you are upgrading from ETX 2.4.
- Theme support is in an early stage of development and is subject to change. As such, for anyone submitting and working on themes, expect changes in 2.6 as we continue to develop and improve on theming capabilities, in response your feedback on this capability. Due to a font mapping limitation which will be addressed in 2.6,
will not be shown if you use that in a theme as part of the author information to be displayed.
- Linux AppImage: Font sizes do not scale with DPI, so if you have a situation where you need the font size to be larger, run the AppImage with QT_FONT_DPI=96 (changing 96 to suit your needs) added to the front of the command to run the image (i.e. when running from the command line, or via a shortcut).
- Mac OS X 10.12 is the oldest supported MacOS version supported by this release of Companion
- Windows: Based on community feedback Companion for Windows is only available as a 64bit package, meaning it will not run on 32bit versions of Windows. However, whilst unsupported, it may be possible to build a 32bit version yourself if required.
FlySky NV14:
- Settings and models CANNOT be converted from OpenTX or derivatives, you need to start with a clean slate
- Flysky AFHDS3 protocol is currently unavailable for external module
- There is no NEXT/PREV or PAGE UP/DOWN hardware key emulation, meaning lua scripts that are not touch friendly are basically unusable. This is scheduled for 2.6.0
FlySky digital hall gimbals on TX16S:
- In combination with FLYSKY_HALL_STICKS, cannot yet use wired trainer in slave/student mode
Installation Guide
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Special thanks to all those that contributed to making this release possible! Without the support and commitment from the development team and the community, this release would not have been possible.
The top contributors to this release include: @raphaelcoeffic, @pfeerick, @jfrickmann, @kevinkoenig, @dlktdr, @rotorman, @JimB40, @eshifri, @richardclli and @zyren.
Special thanks to @elecpower for bringing the EdgeTX Companion to life! We are also very grateful for all the testers who took the time and gave valuable feedback.
Keep in touch!
Web - https://edgetx.org
Discord - https://discord.gg/wF9wUKnZ6H
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/edgetx