PyTorch implementation of the paper "Less Can be More: Unsupervised Graph Pruning for Large-scale Dynamic Graphs".
- torch == 1.8.1
- pytorch-lightning == 1.6.4
- torch_scatter == 2.0.8
- scikit-learn == 1.0.2
- scipy == 1.7.3
Create a folder 'dataset' to store data file.
We use the data processing method of the reference TGAT, repo.
We use the dense npy format to save the features in binary format. If edge features or nodes features are absent, it will be replaced by a vector of zeros.
python --data wikipedia --bipartite
python --data reddit --bipartite
Training the Graph pruning network based on an unsupervised task.
python --data_set wikipedia --prior_ratio 0.5 --learning_rate 1e-3
Pruning the edge data in the database inductively according to the trained Graph pruning network above.
python --data_set wikipedia --output_edge_txt ./result/edge_pred.txt --ckpt_file ./lightning_logs_gsn/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=10.ckpt
Using a gnn to evaluate the performance of graph pruning.(this requires a trained gnn model from the supervised task, eg. runing the following commands on dynamic node classification).
python --mode origin --data_set wikipedia
python --data_set wikipedia --mode gsn --pruning_ratio 0.5 --mask_edge --output_edge_txt ./result/edge_pred.txt --ckpt_file ./lightning_logs_gnn/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=10.ckpt