Advent of Code 2024 - Dataweave Edition
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 10 | ||
Day 11 | ||||
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator=" ", header=false
output application/json
var leftOrdered = payload.column_0 orderBy ((item) -> item)
var rightOrdered = payload.column_3 orderBy ((item) -> item)
var distances = leftOrdered map ((item, index) ->
abs(item - rightOrdered[index]))
"Total Distance": sum(distances default [])
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator=" ", header=false
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var left = payload.column_0
var right = payload.column_3
var similarity = left map ((item) ->
(right countBy ($ ~= item) default 0) * item)
"Similarity Score": sum(similarity default [])
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator=" ", header=false
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var reports = payload map ((report) -> report pluck ((value) -> value as Number))
var differences = (report) ->
report[1 to -1] map ((item, index) -> item - report[index])
var checkedReports = (differences) ->
(differences filter ($ >= -3 and $ <= -1)) == differences or
(differences filter ($ >= 1 and $ <= 3)) == differences
var safeReports = reports filter ((report) ->
"Total Safe Reports": sizeOf(safeReports)
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator=" ", header=false
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var reports = payload map ((report) -> report pluck ((value) -> value as Number))
var differences = (report) ->
report[1 to -1] map ((item, index) -> item - report[index])
var checkedReports = (differences) ->
(differences filter ($ >= -3 and $ <= -1)) == differences or
(differences filter ($ >= 1 and $ <= 3)) == differences
var safeReportsWithLevelRemoved = (report) ->
(0 to sizeOf(report) - 1) map ((i) ->
checkedReports(differences(report filter ((item, index) -> index != i)))
) filter ((safe) -> safe)
var safeReports = reports filter ((report) ->
checkedReports(differences(report)) or
"Total Safe Reports": sizeOf(safeReports)
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var matches = payload scan(/mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)/)
var x = matches map ((item) -> item[1])
var y = matches map ((item) -> item[2])
var multiplication = x map ((item, index) -> item * y[index])
Results: sum(multiplication)
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var matches = payload scan(/mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)|do\(\)|don't\(\)/)
var result = matches reduce ((item, accumulator = { result: 0, enabled: true }) ->
if (item[0] startsWith "mul(")
if (accumulator.enabled)
result: accumulator.result + ((item[1] as Number) * (item[2] as Number)),
enabled: accumulator.enabled
{ result: accumulator.result, enabled: accumulator.enabled }
else if (item[0] == "do()")
{ result: accumulator.result, enabled: true }
else if (item[0] == "don't()")
{ result: accumulator.result, enabled: false }
{ result: accumulator.result, enabled: accumulator.enabled }
Results: result.result
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator="\n", header=false
import every from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var words = ["XMAS", "SAMX"]
var data = flatten(payload map ((item) -> item pluck ((value) -> value)))
var columns = (0 to sizeOf(data[0]) - 1) as Array map ((index) ->
data map ((row) -> row[index] as String) joinBy "")
fun findMatches(line) =
words flatMap ((word) ->
(0 to sizeOf(line) - sizeOf(word)) filter ((i) -> line[i to i + sizeOf(word) - 1] == word) map ((i) -> word))
fun isDiagonalMatch(row, col, word) =
(0 to sizeOf(word) - 1) every ((i) -> data[row + i][col + i] == word[i])
fun findDiagonalMatches() =
words flatMap ((word) ->
(0 to sizeOf(data) - sizeOf(word)) flatMap ((row) ->
(0 to sizeOf(data[row]) - sizeOf(word)) filter ((col) ->
isDiagonalMatch(row, col, word)
) map ((i) -> word)
fun isDiagonalReverseMatch(row, col, word) =
(0 to sizeOf(word) - 1) every ((i) -> data[row + i][col - i] == word[i])
fun findReverseDiagonalMatches() =
words flatMap ((word) ->
(0 to sizeOf(data) - sizeOf(word)) flatMap ((row) ->
(0 to sizeOf(data[row]) - 1) filter ((col) ->
(col - sizeOf(word) >= -1) and
(row + sizeOf(word) <= sizeOf(data)) and
isDiagonalReverseMatch(row, col, word)
) map ((i) -> word)
var horizontal = flatten(data map ((row) -> findMatches(row)))
var vertical = flatten(columns map ((col) -> findMatches(col)))
var diagonal = findDiagonalMatches()
var reverseDiagonal = findReverseDiagonalMatches()
total: (sizeOf(horizontal) + sizeOf(vertical) + sizeOf(diagonal) + sizeOf(reverseDiagonal))
%dw 2.0
input payload application/csv separator="\n", header=false
output application/json
var data = flatten(payload map ((item) -> item pluck ((value) -> value)))
var size = sizeOf(data)
fun isXMasPattern(x, y) =
(data[x+1][y+1] == 'A' and
(data[x][y] == 'M' and data[x+2][y+2] == 'S') or
(data[x][y] == 'S' and data[x+2][y+2] == 'M')
) and
(data[x][y+2] == 'M' and data[x+2][y] == 'S') or
(data[x][y+2] == 'S' and data[x+2][y] == 'M')
var matches = flatten(
(0 to size - 1) as Array map (i) ->
(0 to sizeOf(data[i]) - 1)
map (j) -> if (isXMasPattern(i, j)) { x: i, y: j } else null
) filter($ != null)
total: sizeOf(matches)
%dw 2.0
import every from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var rules = (payload splitBy "\n\n")[0] splitBy "\n" map ((rule) -> rule splitBy "|")
var updates = (payload splitBy "\n\n")[1] splitBy "\n" map ((updateItem) -> updateItem splitBy ",")
var middleValues = updates
filter ((updateItem) ->
filter ((pair) ->
(updateItem contains pair[0]) and (updateItem contains pair[1])
every ((pair) ->
(updateItem indexOf pair[0]) < (updateItem indexOf pair[1])
map ((updateItem) -> updateItem[sizeOf(updateItem) / 2] as Number)
sum: sum(middleValues)
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var data = payload
map ((line) -> {
total: (line splitBy ":")[0] as Number,
numbers: trim((line splitBy ":")[1])
splitBy(" ")
map ((num) -> num as Number)
var results = (nums) ->
do {
var calculate = (pos, acc) ->
if (pos == sizeOf(nums)) acc
calculate(pos + 1, acc map ((value) -> value + nums[pos])),
calculate(pos + 1, acc map ((value) -> value * nums[pos]))
calculate(1, [nums[0]])
var totalResults = data map ((item) ->
if (results(item.numbers) contains
total: sum(totalResults filter ($ != 0))
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var data = payload
map ((line) -> {
total: (line splitBy ":")[0] as Number,
numbers: trim((line splitBy ":")[1])
splitBy(" ")
map ((num) -> num as Number)
var results = (nums) ->
do {
var calculate = (pos, acc) ->
if (pos == sizeOf(nums)) acc
calculate(pos + 1, acc map ((value) -> value + nums[pos])),
calculate(pos + 1, acc map ((value) -> value * nums[pos])),
calculate(pos + 1, acc map ((value) ->
((value as String) ++ (nums[pos] as String)) as Number
calculate(1, [nums[0]])
var totalResults = data map ((item) ->
if (results(item.numbers) contains
total: sum(totalResults filter ($ != 0))
%dw 2.0
import some from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var rows = payload replace "\r\n" with "\n" splitBy "\n"
var cells = rows map ((row) -> row splitBy "")
var frequencies = flatten(
rows map (
(row, rowIndex) ->
row splitBy ""
map (
(cell, cellIndex) ->
if (cell != ".")
{ x: rowIndex, y: cellIndex, frequency: cell }
else null
) filter ($ != null)
) groupBy $.frequency
var antinodes = flatten(
frequencies pluck ((antennas, frequency) ->
flatMap ((antenna1, idx1) ->
antennas[(idx1 + 1) to -1]
flatMap ((antenna2) ->
do {
var dx = antenna2.x - antenna1.x
var dy = antenna2.y - antenna1.y
{ x: antenna1.x - dx, y: antenna1.y - dy },
{ x: antenna2.x + dx, y: antenna2.y + dy }
) filter ((antinode) ->
antinode != null and
antinode.x >= 0 and antinode.x < sizeOf(cells) and
antinode.y >= 0 and antinode.y < sizeOf(cells[0])
) distinctBy ($)
total: sizeOf(antinodes)
%dw 2.0
import some from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var rows = payload replace "\r\n" with "\n" splitBy "\n"
var cells = rows map ((row) -> row splitBy "")
var frequencies = flatten(
rows map (
(row, rowIndex) ->
row splitBy ""
map (
(cell, cellIndex) ->
if (cell != ".")
{ x: rowIndex, y: cellIndex, frequency: cell }
else null
) filter ($ != null)
) groupBy $.frequency
var antinodes = flatten(
frequencies pluck ((antennas, frequency) ->
flatMap ((antenna1, idx1) ->
antennas[(idx1 + 1) to -1]
flatMap ((antenna2) ->
do {
var dx = antenna2.x - antenna1.x
var dy = antenna2.y - antenna1.y
(0 to sizeOf(cells)) map ((step) -> {
x: antenna1.x - step * dx,
y: antenna1.y - step * dy
(0 to sizeOf(cells)) map ((step) -> {
x: antenna2.x + step * dx,
y: antenna2.y + step * dy
) filter ((antinode) ->
antinode != null and
antinode.x >= 0 and antinode.x < sizeOf(cells) and
antinode.y >= 0 and antinode.y < sizeOf(cells[0])
) distinctBy ($)
var grid =
cells map ((row, rowIndex) ->
row map ((cell, cellIndex) ->
if (cell != "." ) cell
else if (antinodes some (antinode) -> antinode.x == rowIndex and antinode.y == cellIndex) "#"
else "."
) joinBy ""
total: sizeOf(antinodes)
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var data = payload replace "\r\n" with "\n" splitBy "\n" map((line) ->
line splitBy "" map ((item) -> item as Number))
var trailhead = data flatMap ((line, x) ->
line flatMap ((item, y) ->
if (item == 0) [{x: x, y: y}] else []))
var trails = (data, x, y, currentNumber) ->
if (data[x][y] == 9)
[{x: x, y: y}]
else do {
var directions = [
{x: x - 1, y: y},
{x: x + 1, y: y},
{x: x, y: y - 1},
{x: x, y: y + 1}]
directions flatMap ((pos) ->
if (pos.x >= 0 and pos.x < sizeOf(data) and
pos.y >= 0 and pos.y < sizeOf(data[0]) and
data[pos.x][pos.y] == currentNumber + 1)
trails(data, pos.x, pos.y, currentNumber + 1)
else [])}
distinctBy $
sum: sum(trailhead map ((trail) ->
sizeOf(trails(data, trail.x, trail.y, 0))
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var data = payload replace "\r\n" with "\n" splitBy "\n" map((line) ->
line splitBy "" map ((item) -> item as Number))
var trailhead = data flatMap ((line, x) ->
line flatMap ((item, y) ->
if (item == 0) [{x: x, y: y}] else []))
var trails = (data, x, y, currentNumber) ->
if (data[x][y] == 9)
[{x: x, y: y}]
else do {
var directions = [
{x: x - 1, y: y},
{x: x + 1, y: y},
{x: x, y: y - 1},
{x: x, y: y + 1}]
directions flatMap ((pos) ->
if (pos.x >= 0 and pos.x < sizeOf(data) and
pos.y >= 0 and pos.y < sizeOf(data[0]) and
data[pos.x][pos.y] == currentNumber + 1)
trails(data, pos.x, pos.y, currentNumber + 1)
else [])}
sum: sum(trailhead map ((trail) ->
sizeOf(trails(data, trail.x, trail.y, 0))
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var data = payload replace "\r\n" with "\n" splitBy " "
var blinkings = (data, times) ->
if (times ~= 0)
flatten(data map ((item) ->
if(item as Number == 0)
else if((sizeOf(item) mod 2) == 0) do {
var mid = sizeOf(item) / 2
[item[0 to mid -1] as Number, item[mid to -1] as Number]}
else item as Number * 2024)),
times - 1)
"Number of Stones": sizeOf(blinkings(data, 25))