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Eduardo's Dotfiles

Unix development setup.

Terminal screenshot

Screenshot from Windows Terminal using Omni theme and JetBrains Mono font family.


Below is a list of the packages you might need to install to make things work.

  • asdf-vm
  • bat
  • exa
  • fzf
  • neovim
  • starship
  • tmux
  • zoxide
  • zsh
  • atuin
  • thefuck

Ensure they are all installed using your preferred package manager, and don't forget to upgrade your packages before doing so!


1. Download files

You can easily cURL my files into your machine! Just run the command below:

curl -Lks | bash

Alternatively, you can access the gist here and execute directly in your terminal.

2. Set default shell

If you don't use zsh yet, run the command below to make it your default shell:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Will I lose my files?

Nothing will be deleted nor overwritten! Every file that causes conflict will be moved to ~/.dotfiles-backup so the checkout goes smoothly.

Tools I Use

For i3

  • rofi