This plugin saves zombie plague ammopacks to a file, use this if other banks not saving or banks has problems on your server .ammo files can be read as text with notepad and can be changed
- Name/SteamID/IP based save system (Default is name)
- IP values can be changed and they are not static, so i don't recommend to use it
- Names can be changed to but you can use any register system to protect names
- Cracked client's SteamID may be changed, so i recommend name based save system with register system
- zp_ammo_save_bots "1" // should we save bot's ammo ? (name only)
- zp_ammo_save_type "0" // 0 = name | 1 = steamid | 2 = ip
- zp_ammo_save_folder_custom_enable "0" // to save custom dir, multi server support (2 servers 1 save file, players will be happy)
- zp_ammo_save_folder_custom "C:\ExampleFolder\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs" // path for custom dir, multiple servers can acces this path
- zp_ammo_save_folder_name "AmmoSaveFILE" // custom folder name
- zp_ammo_save_minimum "20" // minimum ammo packs to save, avoid spamming / too many file creation