A flink + kotlin exercise
Start the project
docker compose up
this will take a while, go explore flink windowing docs meanwhile.
Once the stack is up, you can
View jobs on the jobmanager: http://localhost:8081/#/job/running
Dig into raw msgs and topics on the control-center (kafka ui): http://localhost:9021
Monitor incoming results on the dashboard: http://localhost:3000/d/fdf835b7-42d2-402a-93b0-3b048a1cfd41/flink-jobs-visualization?orgId=1&refresh=5s
flowchart TB
ws[Web Crawler] --> tsa>topic:\n scraped-ads]
tsa --- fj1[Flink job:\n AdsByCityYearTumbling]
tsa --- fj2[Flink job:\n AdsByCitySliding]
fj1 --> abctw>topic:\n ads-by-city-and-year-tmbl-win]
fj2 --> abcsw>topic:\n ads-by-city-sld-win]
abctw --- g[visualization stack]
abcsw --- g
- A scrapy crawler for collecting ads from a board website
- A kraft deployment - stores the raw scraped-ads topic, and the output topics from flink aggregation jobs.
- A Flink cluster + client, to submit and run 2 kotlin aggregation jobs.
- The Visualization stack - promtail, loki and grafana (honestly I wanted grafana to read directly from kafka but the required plugin relies on librdkafka and won't compile on arm64 😢)