World’s most popular Kubernetes IDE provides a simplified, consistent entry point for developers, testers, integrators, and DevOps, to ship code faster at scale. Lens is the only IDE you’ll ever need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters. It is a standalone application for MacOS, Windows and Linux operating systems. Lens is an open source project and free.
- Amazing usability and end-user experience
- Unified, secure, multi-cluster management on any platform: support for hundreds of clusters
- Standalone application: no need to install anything in-cluster
- Lens installs anywhere, elimanting the need to wrangle credentials
- Real-time cluster state visualization
- Resource utilization charts and trends with history powered by built-in Prometheus
- Smart terminal access to nodes and containers
- Clusters can be local (e.g. minikube) or external (e.g. EKS, GKE, AKS)
- Performance optimized to handle massive clusters (tested with a cluster running 25k pods)
- RBAC security is preserved, as Lens uses the standard kubectl API
- Lens Extensions are used to add custom visualizations and functionality to accelerate development workflows for all the technologies and services that integrate with Kubernetes
- Helm chart service deployment: Browse and deploy Helm charts with one click-Install
Download a pre-built package from the releases page. Lens can be also installed via snapcraft (Linux only).
Alternatively on Mac:
brew cask install lens
Prerequisites: Nodejs v12, make, yarn
make init
- initial compilation, installing deps, etc.make dev
- builds and starts the appmake test
- run tests
Allows for faster separate re-runs of some of the more involved processes:
yarn dev:main
compiles electron's main process app partyarn dev:renderer
compiles electron's renderer app partyarn dev:extension-types
compile declaration types for@k8slens/extensions
yarn dev-run
runs app in dev-mode and auto-restart when main process file has changed
Run a local instance of mkdocs serve
in a docker container for developing the Lens Documentation.
Prerequisites: docker, yarn
yarn mkdocs-serve-local
- local build and serve of mkdocs with auto update enabled
Go to localhost:8000
- TypeScript (front-end/back-end)
- ReactJS (front-end, ui)
- MobX (app-state-management, back-end/front-end)
- ElectronJS (chrome/node)
- NodeJS (api docs)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at