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Faarikaal Theme

A minimalistic, flat and dark theme for Sublime Text 3 that aims to put focus on your code and to make other elements less intrusive.

Faarikaal is based upon Soda Theme by Ian Hill, and is partially inspired by other Sublime Text themes like Gravity, El Capitan, Devastate and Spacegray, in addition to the Atom theme One Dark.

This theme uses icons from Font Awesome.


Faarikaal Theme


Faarikaal theme is designed to work with the latest beta builds of Sublime Text 3.

Using Sublime Package Control

If you are using Will Bond's excellent Sublime Package Control, you can easily install Soda Theme via the Package Control: Install Package menu item. The Faarikaal Theme package is listed as Theme - Faarikaal in the packages list.

Using Git

Alternatively, if you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo directly into your Packages directory in the Sublime Text application settings area, and regularly pulling from upstream.

You can locate your Sublime Text Packages directory by using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages....

While inside the Packages directory, clone the theme repository using the command below:

git clone "Theme - Faarikaal"

Download Manually

  • Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option
  • Unzip the files and rename the folder to faarikaal
  • Find your Packages directory using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages...
  • Copy the folder into your Sublime Text Packages directory

Activating the theme

  • Open your User Settings Preferences file Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User
  • Add (or update) your theme entry to be "theme": "Faarikaal.sublime-theme"

Example Sublime Text 3 User Settings

    "theme": "Faarikaal.sublime-theme"

Syntax Highlighting Colour Schemes

The color scheme shown in the screenshot is a modified version of Tomorrow Night Bright (based on the file from this repo), which is distributed with the Faarikaal theme.

This color scheme can be enabled by adding (or updating) your color scheme entry to be "color_scheme": "CustomTomorrowNightBright.tmTheme"

Example Sublime Text 3 User Settings

    "color_scheme": "CustomTomorrowNightBright.tmTheme"

Code Font

The code font shown in the screenshot is Source Code Pro.


Faarikaal is licensed under the MIT License.